Chapter 5

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Shout out to @maddiewritesandreads for being the first and only comment go check out her book !!

Bree's pov

This house was huge. And I mean huge it looks like it has about 5 floors but I tend to ...uhm.. Exaggerate a bit.

But this place is a mansion.

I didn't realise that my mouth was hanging open until Harry pushed my jaw closed causing me to let a small growl loose making him pull away with a disapproving look.

"come on we can show you around!" Niall exclaimed as he ran into the massive house. My yeah pricked on top of my head as I listened for any odd sounds, after a few seconds of listening I slowly walked through the door and into the beautifully furnished hall.

My tail swayed and swished as I walked up the long hallway. To my left there was a large set of sliding doors that entered into a vast living room. The colour scheme was grey and crème. A few large grey sofas were faced towards a massive flat screen TV that was mounted onto the wall with a light marble fireplace below it that was full of crackling wood making my ears flick towards the fire place every now and again. A large sleek black piano sat in the corner completing all of the other small furnishings.

"do you want to see your room?" a voice questions startling me making my let out a large squeak as I spun around to come face to well chest with a chuckling Liam making me pout causing all the boys to coo at me.

I forgot they were in here. Oops.

A small smile made its way onto my face at the thought of my own room I haven't had a proper bed in years. After my mind wondered for a bit more I was practically buzzing on the spot. "yeah!" I exclaimed in response to Liam's question.

Soon the six of us were running up the stairs towards a room at the end of yet another hallway. Suddenly the boys stopped causing me to run right into Niall's back who fell onto Zayn who fell again causing a domino effect but due to my big cat reflexes I stayed standing all the boys to fall onto the floor. Soon the boys looked at me while I just smiled ad waved then jumped over Louis and into the room.

A small gasp left my lips as I walked through the door way into my new room. It was beautiful. The wall behind the queen sized bed was sunset orange while all the other walls were painted white. My eyes flicked to the desk with a small lamp and a computer.

Just as I was about to sit on the spinney chair I saw a small mouse crawl across the room.

Awh hell naw.

I crouched down by the side of my bed just as I saw it again I shifted into my beautiful tiger form. Just as the mouse ran out the door I silently stalked after it and into the hall where I was it running in circles. Stupid creature. Suddenly It darted straight past me causing to run after it. As soon as I had caught up to the small rodent it darted around the corner of the hall towards the stairs.

I have to catch it just as I pounced on the stupid mouse it spun and rain straight through my legs but I reacted quickly and pushed off the wall and landed straight on the pointless animal I quickly grabbed it in my mouth and trotted back to the boys and dropped on to the floor in front of Louis who looked quite shocked as did the rest of the boys.

I decided to be nice and sat right next to Louis and leaned my head on his hip. All of a sudden I felt a tickling sensation behind me ears causing me to do something I've never done before.


Without thinking I pushed my head further into his hand and swayed my tail back and forth. Then I felt another pair of hands gently stroking down by back causing me to flop onto my back like a puppy. I looked up and saw all of the boys looking down with large smiles on their faces as Niall popped out with a large rope and dangled it in front of my face waiting for me to grab it but I'm sure he

didn't think this though.

Tug of war with a tiger... this will be fun..

Yes I am aware that this was terrible but I've got a it of writers block so I' begging you to leave me some ideas

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionWhere stories live. Discover now