Chapter 19

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Im sorry its so late guys it just that I've had so much shite to get on with and I've also been blessed with the horror that is writers block but as you may or may not be able to tell I have lots planned for the next few chapters. RIGHT now for the important bit the winner of the contest for Niall's girl friend is * drumroll * love_liam_payne246 so congratulations you will be featuring in the story as Niall's girlfriend at some point in the next few chapters.

Bree's pov

How dare she.

How dare she say such a thing about me and about the boys. I doubt that the boys even gave those girls a second glance where as I am positive that I mean at least something to me or I wouldn't be here right now would I?

These thoughts had filled my head as I fled from the sport gym. Around fifteen minuets I wound up here. Lost. Yep that's right I'm completely lost in the middle of this abandoned town that I didn't even know existed and quite honestly it was giving me the creeps. You know that feeling you get when something bad is going to happen? Yeah, I have that right now.

The crack of a branch made me whip around and bare my large canines as well as fluffing out my tail and arching my back. My hair began to stand even more on and when I saw a small plump silhouette dash behind a bin.

In a split second I was running away from the man who had made me like this cased me physical and mental pain for years. And I wasn't about to get back into his grip again.

"GET HER! BUT ENSURE SHES ALOVE AND UNHARMED" that was all it took for me to switch into full stealth mode that I had been in 24/7 when I was on the run.

A low branched tree caught my eyes as I raced over to it extending my claws and carefully climbed the tree in an attempt to hide myself from the monstrous being.

A sight of relief left my lips as I perched myself on top of a thick branch. Suddenly it all hit me like a ton of bricks.

I had just let a few girls word get in the way of our family day and I was so hurt by the lies that I ran away and now here I am lost in the middle of no where with the man who I'm sure is the spawn of the devil himself. Phil, the man who 'saved' me from my supposed parents when I was to young to understand that I was in fact in a larger danger with the man who I looked up to as I had no one else. The mad who wore a scruffy old lab coat all hours of the day. The man that made me help him gather up the people who he would experiment on but of course I was never aloud to know what that experiment was. I admired phil so much I would tell him that I wanted a lab coat exactly like his that was singed on the sleeves so I could be just like my new 'daddy'. But no I was denied any form of comfort when I would wake up from vivid night mares screaming my head off the most I would get was a shout to go back to sleep and that was it, no comforting words or cuddling until I fell back to sleep not once did he step foot in my room when I was screaming in horror or crying for him. But I guess that doesn't matter seen as once I reach the rebellious age of eleven I decided to go and find out exactly what it was that my father did so I when my role model left down the hall for his daily check up I decided I would follow him through the door that was always locked and I mean always so when it was unlocked I should have know something was up but of course i was so blinded with excitement to find out what daddies job was that i just ran into the beak room but what I never expected was to be caught with a net and locked in cage like a wild animal and when I finally got the courage to look up I most certainly didn't expect to see Phil stood over me with a wicked grin and a syringe next thing I kn-

"you know darling thinking to much can lead to damage" and that same wicked grin was what I saw as large black spots filled my vision

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant