Chapter 2

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Woo two updated today!

A large crash jolted me from my sleep. A small groan left my lips as I lifted my head and looked around. Where am I? Then all of a sudden it all crashed down on me like a tonne of bricks. That 'guard' took me to a freaking pound. I took a timid look around when my eyes landed on a plate of raw mean. My favourite! A small smile worked its way onto my face as I slowly crawled over to it as if I was scared it would run away.

Just as I was about to grab it a low growl sounded behind me causing me to spin around to come face to face. Well face to chest with a Great Dane hybrid. Are you serious? I'm a tiger. T-i-g-e-r.

I am not scared of some stupid mutt. I rolled my eyes as the tall hybrid let out a loud growl snapping his 'sharp' teeth at me. Ass I turned to walk back to the meat the un-named hybrid crabbed my arm dragging me away from it causing me to turn and let a loud roar though my lips causing the stupid mutt to quickly scramble away from me to the corner where I saw about four large hybrids looking quite shocked as the sound of my raw still slightly echoed around the cell. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the meat chomping it down in seconds causing the male mutts to look quite shocked.

My eyes slowly strayed from the boys in the corner for an escape rout only to come up empty handed. Suddenly loud slow claps were heard from the door of the cell causing my head to whip round and the boys to cower in the corner.


My head turned as an old grey haired mail came into view causing one of the boys to whimper and me to growl.

"Impressive.. You just scared a six foot three Great Dane hybrid off of his food and he's the highest in the chain here... well was until you came along." I the lab cloak clad mad said sounding impressed. "Now then its time for your tests " the man smiled. But it seemed off... I don't like this guy.

My suspicions were proved correct when he grabbed me and shoved me in a cage causing me to let out a large growl making him slam the cage down on the ground. After that I shut up. "Stupid tiger" the man mutter causing the Great Dane from earlier to mutter 'she's a freaking tiger, that explains it' causing me to roll my eyes. I seem to be doing that a lot lately.

I was broken from my trance when the cage was placed down and the door opened to reveal a large room. Slowly I crawled out of the cage and look around. I jumped slightly when I heard a throat clear through the speaker in the corner

"Now tigger I have five lad here who are willing to make a large payment if you do this right" the voice spoke causing me to growl at the stupid nickname he called me. Just as the growl was released I was subjected to a small electric shock causing me to whimper. "No growling!" the voice boomed causing me to jump" you know its no wonder your parent didn't want you your just some weak freak isn't that right?" the voice spat causing my nails to lengthen into claws and my k-nines to poke out of my lips. As soon as that happened a large piece of meat was dropped in front of me making me practically inhale it on the spot. Just as I liked my lip[s clean a voice spoke again but this time it was different quiet and I had a nice tone to it.

"erm excuse me but you said she was a tiger hybrid that could shift... I see the tiger but no shifting" a voice claimed causing my to let out loud roar hoping to prove that I was indeed a tiger.

" all we need to do is get her past her first shift and then she will be able to shift when she is commanded to do so." A voice that I remembered to be the creepy cage man." We just need to jumpstart her instincts but we don't know what the trigger is yet as she's the only tiger hybrid. Ever." The man said in a nicer voice but still quite harsh.

Once the mad had finished a large dear was dropped into the arena-like room. Causing me to shrink to the floor waiting for the prime time to pounce. A few minuets later the dear broke into a fast run causing me to let out a large growl and jump into a run. However, as soon as I landed. I felt different. I was faster. More agile and I was easily catching up to the fast doe.

Suddenly something clicked. I pounced an easily caught the dear in my bright orange paws. Wait. Paws?! Suddenly a voice broke thought the speaker causing my grip on the dear to falter and bound up a ramp that closed straight after causing me to let out a frustrated growl.

"Well done tigger here is your new family." Exclaimed the voice then suddenly I realised I had shifted causing me to whip my hear round to catch a sight of my new perfectly camouflaged fur and my 3 ft tail I let out a happy click causing a few chuckles to echo around the room making me snap my head to the source of the sound and there stood my five new 'owners' and creepy cage guy.

Shifted- one direction hybrid adoptionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora