Chapter 3

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"Ok the first step is letting go of any instruments or things that you can harm yourself with. We're gonna have to go through your bags ok?"

Lauren gave me a reassuring smile and held out her hand. I reluctantly handed my satchel to her and I started biting my nails. She opened it and took everything out, laying the contents on the table. She took out a few bottles of pills and put them into a plastic container beside her labelled "WASTE FOR DISPOSAL" and kept searching.

She spent about ten minutes looking through the satchels contents, checking the lining even. Some people must be really desperate in here. She then moved on to my suitcase. She found my prescribed pills and the ones I bought on the streets and dumped them all.

I felt my breathing rate increase as I saw all the pills going in the bin. The reality of what I was doing suddenly hit me and I had a dire urge to get my hands on a razor.

She felt around the side of the case and took out the tin box that contained my life basically. She opened it and looked at me before beckoning me over.

"You're going to throw these away yourself," she told me, handing me the box. "This is the first step to recovery."

I looked down at the box in my hands. I knew every dent and every scratch on it. I knew its weight and the feel of the cold metal on my skin. It was such a huge part of me, of my life. I shook my head.

"I can't.. I can't do it, you do it." I stammered quickly. She shook her head.

"You need to do this Leah. Believe in yourself. You're worth something more than what lies inside that box. Free yourself." Her words echoed in my mind and I gripped the box tighter. I stepped towards the waste container and held the box over the opening.

I willed my fingers to open so the box would fall in but I couldn't. I started shaking violently and at the last second I clutched the box to my chest.

"I can't do this I need them, I'm sorry." Lauren looked a little disappointed and stepped towards me.

"Give me the box Leah." I shook my head.

"No." I whispered. She frowned and stepped towards me again. I stepped back and screamed.

"NO! You don't understand! This was a mistake, let me go!! Let me g-" I was cut off as a strong pair of arms wrapped around me and Lauren prised the box out of my hands.

"No!!" I squirmed, trying to release the grip that the male nurse had on me. "Please no, give them back! PLEASE!!"

Lauren dropped the box into the waste container causing me to whimper as if she physically hit me.

"It's for the best Leah. We have your best interests at heart. Take her to her room." She aimed the last part at the male nurse who half-dragged half-carried me down the corridor.

"I need to get them back, please just let me go." I sobbed as I was led to a room with the numbers 324 carved on the door. The nurse opened the door with a key card and firmly pushed me inside.

"This is a detox room. You'll be in here for five days while any drugs you've taken leave your system. Your food will be brought to you at certain times each day and your room will be locked."

With that, he closed the door and I heard the automated lock clicking into place. I kicked the door angrily.

"You son of a BITCH!" I yelled, pounding the door mercilessly. The door barely even vibrated as I pummelled it, it was obviously soundproof as well. Brilliant. I leaned my forehead against the door, exhausted when a voice made me jump.

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