Chapter 15

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"I love you too. Always have, always will."

My heart nearly burst as I looked into her eyes, her beautiful golden brown eyes and saw the love for me that was there. I couldn't hold back my sobs any more and she pulled me into a crushing embrace, burying her head in my hair.

I was still reeling from the fact that I had almost lost her. She had literally been a few centimetres from stepping over the edge of the building. My mind was ablaze with jumbled up thoughts as I tried to comprehend what I would do if she had jumped. I could never let anything like this happen again. Ever.

"Don't you ever try to leave me again." I sobbed, my fingers clutching at her hair like it was the only thing rooting me to this earth. I felt her kiss the side of my head, a gesture that flooded me with warmth.

"I'm never going anywhere Demi. Not without you. I promise."

I sighed in relief, my heart gradually returning to a slightly normal pace. As much as I wanted her to stay in my arms, it was beginning to get cold and I was aware Leah was dressed in fairly light clothing. I took her hand, lacing my fingers with hers firmly.

"Come on, it's getting cold, you're gonna freeze if we don't get back inside." I paused, grimacing.

"Also we have to go back to that counsellor bitch." I saw Leah's jaw clench but she nodded tersely.

"I know. I'm ready." She replied but I didn't share in her confidence. I mean she said she was ready to talk about her past and she had almost killed herself in the process. Literally.

I gently led her off the roof and back inside, never letting go of her hand as I brought her to Lauren's office. I opened the door and, as I expected, saw the counsellor talking to Lauren animatedly. No doubt about Leah's episode. As soon as we walked in they both stopped their conversation and Lauren approached us.

"What happened? Where did you go?" She fired question after question at Leah. "You know it's against the rules to leave a session once it's started!"

I squeezed Leah's hand before replying to Lauren, making sure I gave the counsellor the filthiest look I could muster up.

"She wasn't ready. Your friend over there pushed her over the edge of what she was comfortable with and I had to talk her out of-" I stopped. I couldn't tell her about the rooftop scenario. They could decide to keep Leah in longer. Or worse. Transfer her. I gulped at the prospect of loosing her.

Lauren cast a look at the counsellor who muttered something about "doing her job properly" before leaving the office. Lauren sank into her chair and rubbed her temples.

"I get that you're angry Demi but we're all on the same side here." She began, giving me a tired look. "We all want you to get better. Sometimes the methods are a little harsh but you have to be cruel to be kind."

"Bullshit." I snarled, making Lauren sit back in alarm. I was about to continue when I felt Leah's hand on my forearm.

"Let it go Dems," she whispered in a voice so vulnerable it nearly made my heart break. "This is my fight, not yours." I shook my head and turned to face her, looking into her captivating eyes. I can't even begin to describe how mcuh it hurt to see the look of deep pain embedded in her gaze. I couldn't just stand by any more. Her fight was my fight too.

"Theres no way I'm gonna let you go through anything like that again." I shot back, ignoring the silent plea in her eyes. I turned back to Lauren who was studying me closely. Suspiciously.

"What hapened after she left, Demi? Where did you go?" The question itself seemed harmless enough but I had known Lauren long enough to recognize the tone she used when she wanted answers. No bullshit, just facts. I swallowed nervousl, carefully planning my answer.

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