Chapter 9

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Hey you

I've literally been sitting on my bed for hours writing and re-writing this chapter, I'm just not in a good place at the moment.

The night before last I relapsed. After 4 months clean it's hard to be back at square one.. I think you've probably guessed by now that Leah is me. I hope you guys understand that it's gonna take me time to get back on track.

This is rich coming from me but please stay strong and live. Please live

I love you

L x




I left before Leah came out and saw me in such a state and decided to head to reception. I was due one of my weekly phone calls and I needed to hear Maddies voice in particular. This was all for her.

I reached the desk and was met with the bored stare of the receptionist. I plastered a smile on my face.

"Hey, um it's my slot for a phone call?" She stretched over and handed me the phone, gesturing to a chair over in the corner.

"You have 10 minutes Ms. Lovato, then you're done til next week." I smiled sweetly to annoy her and made my way over to the chair. I dialled Maddie's number and sat down.

"Hello?" I instantly relaxed at the sound of her lively voice.

"Hey Madds, it's me Demi."

"Deeeemmmmmssss!!!! I miss you so much Demi it's unbelievable, when are you home?" I bowed my head and sighed.

"I dunno baby girl, it's pretty tough here. I'm holding up though." I reassured her, knowing how worried she got.

"I just want you better Demi, we all do. Everything is so much quieter here... It's kinda nice!"

"Hey," I exclaimed, laughing heartily, "maybe I'm enjoying time away from your smart ass!"

"Ouch! You're in a sassy mood today."

We chatted amicably until I saw the receptionist tapping her watch in my direction.

"Listen Mads, I gotta go but I promise I'll call you again as soon as I can ok?"

"Ok Demi, hang in there. I love you loads." I smiled.

"I know baby girl, I love you too. Bye."

I handed the phone back to the receptionist who basically snatched it out of my hands with and audible "hmphh". I rolled my eyes and went back to the nurses office where Leah was just leaving.

"Hey, wait up!" I jogged up to meet her and out my hand on the small of her back as we walked. "What's your punishment?

She grimaced. "Well I have to do more group sessions and I managed to weasel my way out of the padded room. Just."

She went silent again and I waited for her to continue.

"I'm sorry Demi, I thought I was stronger than this." I slipped my arm fully around her waist.

"You don't need to apologise, we all have our weaknesses. Even me, and I'm utterly fabulous." She chuckled a little. I knew I needed to keep her mood up.

"You wanna watch a movie? They don't have a lot of choice in here but it's better than sitting staring at the walls of our room. You in?" I scanned her expressionless face, desperately hoping that she wasn't sinking into a depressive state.

Neon Fire {dl} Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora