Chapter 13

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"Do you ever imagine what your life would be like if you had never become famous?"

I looked down at Leah who's head was resting on my chest as we were lying on the bed. The heating in our room was kind of crappy so we were huddled up under the blankets conserving body heat. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying it. I shook my head a little, and took a deep breath.

"Sometimes.. I mean the whole "famous" thing started for me when I was really young so I never really knew what a normal life was."

She looked out the window, nodding understandingly. I lightly ran my fingers through her hair and her eyes closed, enjoying the sensation.

"Do you think you would have gone through everything you did anyway?" I stopped to think about her question.

"I don't know." I replied softly. "Maybe the pressure to be something I wasn't would have been a lot less.. But I still would have been me. I probably still would have had confidence issues and all that. I think I probably would have ended up in the same position."

We didn't say anything for a while and lay in silence. I hummed tunelessly as I played with her hair until she reached up and took my hand. She brought it to her lips and kissed it before holding it to her chest.

"I know I'm selfish for saying this and it's so wrong but.. I'm glad you're here Demi. Because I wouldn't have met you anywhere else. I know that sounds so awful and I wish you didn't have to be here but I'm glad you are."

Her words tumbled out quickly as she tried to explain herself and I gently pulled up so she was lying on top of me. I gently put my hands on her cheeks and stroked them with my thumbs.

"I get it babe," I reassured her, gazing at her perfect features. "I wish I didn't have to be here either, but it's brought me something that makes all of this worth it. And you're here for a reason too."

I kissed her forehead and whispered onto her skin.

"Everything I've ever been through.. It brought me to you. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat for you baby."

She didn't say anything but she pulled me into a tight embrace. I squeezed her tight and melted into her arms. She pulled away slightly to look into my eyes.

"I'm falling for you Demi. Really fucking fast." She whispered, her voice husky, sending butterflies through my stomach. I kissed her softly, my tongue gently tracing her lips. She deepened the kiss but still kept it soft as our lips moved in sync. I broke the kiss but kept our lips close enough that they grazed together when I spoke.

"I feel the same," I whispered. "I've never felt like this about anyone. And I'm petrified." I pressed my lips to hers again as her fingers tangled through my hair.

"But I've never been so sure of anything in my life." I murmured between kisses, my heart soaring as I felt her smile into the kiss. She trailed her lips across my jawline, planting feathery kisses so light that I barely felt them. We were interrupted by a knocking on the door. She rolled off me instantly and padded over to open the door and I saw Lauren standing there.

"Afternoon ladies, I know you guys weren't supposed to be having group sessions today but I've scheduled you both in for one." I groaned and rolled my eyes and Leah did the same.

"Aw Lauren please, I thought we had escaped all that crap. Can we not just do it tomorrow?" I was still slightly miffed that she had interrupted the moment myself and Leah were having. She gave me a knowing look.

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