Chapter 17

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My skin was on fire. It was like nothing else existed in the world apart from me and her. I wanted her to touch me so badly, every fibre of my being was screaming for it. In the back of my mind I knew we were moving way too fast but I was so caught up in my lust for her I didn't pay any attention to it. The sight of her body under mine was driving me wild.

The truth is I was angry. Furious. I had nearly lost her today but the worst part was she had nearly left me out of choice. I knew it was crazy but I wanted to tear her clothes off and make crazy love to her. To prove to her that staying alive with me was the better option.

I trailed my tongue across her prominent collar bone, smiling inwardly at the sight of her skin being covered in goosebumps. I could see her eyes were half closed and she was biting her lip so hard that she drew blood. Before I knew what I was doing I hovered my lips over hers.

"Let me fix that baby." I whispered seductively, my voice husky from trying to contain my emotions. I gently bit down on her lower lip and sucked on it. She inhaled sharply and moaned, giving me the opportunity to kiss her. My tongue collided with hers and battled for dominance which I quickly won. I needed to stay in control of this moment. I needed her.

The kiss was heated as my tongue explored every inch of her mouth. I pulled away when breathing became a problem, but stayed close enough so our lips brushed together when I spoke.

"Let me be your high." I whispered, taking in every inch of her stunning complexion. I braced myself above her with my hands either side of her head and looked down at her. Her skin almost glowed in the moonlight and her eyes which I fell for every time sparkled brighter than I'd ever seen them. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she got her breath back and it was all I could do not to attach my lips to the skin showing above her pajama tops neckline.

Her expression was unreadable as she slowly propped herself up on her elbows, pressing her torso against mine. My breathing started to increase again and hitched completely as she tilted her chin up, causing our lips to graze each other. It amazed me how such a small bit of skin contact sent enough electricity to power a small town shooting through my body. Her eyes were bright and focused completely on mine.

"You already are." She whispered into my ear and I felt a sting of aggression travel through my lower body. I felt her tongue on my neck, licking it sensually and kissing my pulse point. I let out a whimper. I wanted to stay angry but her touch had me hypnotised.

She drew back, her gaze burning fiercely into mine. Her hands trailed down my sides and stopped at my waist. My heart started pounding erratically as her fingers brushed my skin, raising goosebumps all over my body. She slowly started grazing her fingertips up and down my torso, her eyes burning into me. The sensation of her skin on mine was incredible. I closed my eyes and bit my lip, relishing her touch.

Her fingers ventured higher and higher and my skin was burning in anticipation. She was moving so slowly as if she knew that she was killing me. Finally she reached the bottom of my bra and I nearly cried out in relief. I wanted her so badly. I needed to-

"I-I think we should stop."

I wanted to scream in frustration. My anger which had subsided a fair bit quickly bubbled up again. I kept my eyes closed, not trusting myself to speak, and nodded slowly. I didn't want to nod. Because that meant I agreed. And I certainly did not agree with her turning me on so much and then stopping.

I pushed myself up and sat back on my haunches, running a hand through my hair to try and calm myself down. It wasn't working. I lifted myself off her body and sat back against one of the wooden beams. My eyes were closed but I sensed her moving beside me.

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