Chapter 21

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I woke up to the sound of Lauren's voice and her hand on my shoulder, shaking me gently. I opened my eyes slowly wincing against the bright light, almost forgetting where I was.

"Demi, come on. It's nearly four and you haven't eaten all day." I slowly sat up, the events of last night and this morning flooding back. I looked at Leah, searching for any sign of change. She looked a little less pale but apart from that.. She looked like a ghost.

"There's a cafeteria downstairs and the food is ok." Lauren helped me off the bed, my joints stiff from lying in such an awkward position. I didn't let go of Leah's hand which was still in mine. Warm. But lifeless. I didn't want to leave her.

"The nurses gave me a pager so if she wakes up or anything changes we'll know." Lauren continued, sensing my hesitation. "I promise we'll come straight back." I cleared my throat, scratching the back of my neck and nodded.

"Yeah.. Ok yeah, I'll go." Lauren smiled at me reassuringly. I turned back to Leah and lowered my face to hers, kissing her forehead. I leaned my forehead on hers for a second.

"I'll be back soon," I whispered quietly. I didn't know if she could hear me but I didn't care. "I love you."

I stood up straight again and left the room, walking beside Lauren as we made our way downstairs to the canteen in silence. I sat at an empty table while she lined up and got food. She returned to the table with a sandwich and a bottle of water, setting it in front of me gently.

Suddenly realising how hungry I was I tore the wrapping off the sandwich and dug in, not caring how much of a pig I looked. I looked across the table at Lauren and noticed she hadn't touched a thing on her tray. My gaze flickered up to her face and took in her expression.

Her pale complexion emphasised the heavy circles under her eyes which were glazed and unfocused and her face looked drawn. Exhausted. I nearly flinched back in surprise when I saw a tear escape from the corner of her eye.

"Lauren? Lauren what's wrong?" I asked her, my heart dropping into my stomach. My mind started running over all the possibilities of what was wrong. Did the doctors say anything about Leah? Did Timberline Knolls call? Did she lose her job?

I reached across the table and grabbed her wrist, forcing her to meet my gaze. Her look of complete sadness stunned me.

"Lauren. Please. Tell me what's wrong." I pleaded with her firmly, trying to keep the waves of panic down. She shook her head slowly.

"I called Leah's parents." She began, her voice low. "I called her parents and I spoke to her mother Andrea. I told her what happened and about Leah's condition. I told her everything." She paused, seemingly unable to form the next sentence. I squeezed her wrist a little, trying to encourage her.

"She said.. She said to call again when she was fixed. When Leah was no longer a threat to herself and her reputation. She told me 'I didn't pay good money for her to throw away her life. I want her fixed.'"

My jaw dropped as Lauren finished speaking. Leah had never really opened up about her family after her brief outburst on the first day in the detox room. She had described her mother as "a cold woman" but I didn't realise just how cold. I want her fixed. What kind of a person spoke like that about their own daughter?

Rage and annoyance were radiating off me in waves and Lauren laid her hand over mine, making me meet her gaze. Her eyes were shining with a new determination I hadn't seen before. When she spoke her voice was no longer low and timid, it was fierce and filled with strength.

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