Chapter 14

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Just one step.

A small breeze picked up and blew around me, causing me to sway a little. I looked down at the pavement below me. Everything seemed so quiet up here, like everything was waiting for me to step off the edge.

I didn't even remember getting here. I just ran aimlessly out the door when I left the group session and somehow ended up here. My emotions were a churning black mass inside me, I was still reeling from my complete breakdown.

The world knew my secrets. It was time to go.

Tears streaming down my cheeks, I shifted my weight onto one leg and was about to step forward when I heard a cry behind me.

"STOP!!" I turned around and saw Demi, panting heavily with a pained look in her eyes. Despite my eerily calm state my heart fluttered a little at the sight of her, her beautiful hair swaying slightly in the wind, her brown eyes never leaving mine. Incredible.

"Please.. Don't do it." She took a cautious step forward me, one hand outstretched towards me. I shook my head.

"Stay away from me Demi, I don't want you to see me.." I trailed off. I knew if I kept talking I'd break down completely. I seemed weak enough as it was, I didn't need to add to that.

"This isn't the answer." She replied, her voice barely masking her panic. Panic that I was causing. "Just.. Please come back from the edge and we can sort everything out. We can fix this."

"All I'm doing is hurting everyone. I can't do that anymore Demi. My presence just hurts people, they self destruct around me. I can't do that to you, I couldn't... I couldn't let anything happen to you." I croaked hoarsely, tears still running down my face.

I stepped back, closer to the ledge.

"I am so tired. I'm so exhausted from fighting this, fighting a losing battle against my own demons. I'm nearly all gone Demi.. There's nothing left in me." She shook her head.

"That's not true, I know that's not true." She took another step towards me. She was almost within arms reach.

"There is so much in you that's worth fighting for. You're a beautiful, unique and special person Leah. You keep running yourself down but you don't need to. You're incredible, you give off this light that everyone wants to be around. Whenever you walk into a room you're the one everyone is looking at. You're the one everyone's attention is on."

She took another step closer but I stepped back even more. The backs of my feet were now slightly over the edge. Demi saw how close I was to the edge and her eyes flicked back up to mine.

"You promised me that you wouldn't leave this place without me," she croaked. My heart nearly shattered at the sound of her strangled voice. "You promised me. If you step off that ledge, you'll have left me. And I can't be without you."

"You have everything to live for Demi," I said, my voice trembling. "You're gonna get out of here and you're gonna take the world by storm. You're strong Dems. You've got people who love you."

"And you don't?" I frowned, shaking my head.

"I told you already Demi, my family wanted out. I'm just a distraction for them."

She shook her head slowly and her expression was almost incredulous. She stepped a little closer to me.

"I wasn't talking about your family." She whispered. My heart started beating a little faster.

"I-I don't... I don't understand, I-" I was cut off by her shaking her head again.

"Are you fucking blind?" She almost spat. I looked at her, taken aback by her change in attitude. She looked so angry and hurt.

"Can you not see it? You keep saying you have no one who loves you when the thing is the person who loves you most in this world is standing right in front of you."

My heart nearly stopped. I tried to speak but my mouth went dry at her words. Did she just say what I thought she did? She stepped even closer to me but she didn't reach out to me.

"You can jump," she whispered as a tear escaped from the corner of her eye, "but if you do I'm jumping straight after you. Because without you there's nothing on this world for me."

I let out a sob and flung myself at her. She immediately opened her arms and caught me, crushing me in her warm embrace as the last of my adrenaline faded away. Huge, uncontrollable sobs racked my body as she held me. I felt all the years of pent up sadness and anger pour out into the silent air, huge waves of emotion crashing against each other as they made their way out of me.

I felt her body shaking as she cried as well, making me hold her tighter to me. Her frame shook as she cried into my shoulder, her fingers tangled in my hair and clutching me for dear life. We had both completely let down our walls and our vulnerability was too much to handle.

We stayed like that for what seemed like hours until I finally calmed down a small bit. She pulled back and brushed my hair back from my face. She leaned her forehead against mine, tears still dripping down her face.

"I love you." She whispered. I pulled her as close as humanly possible to me and put my hand around the back of her neck.

"I love you too. Always have, always will." I whispered back, tears threatening to fall again. A sob escaped her lips and I pulled her into another hug, burying my face in her vibrant blue hair.

"Don't you ever try to leave me again." She sobbed, her voice hoarse from crying. I kissed the side of her head.

"I'm never going anywhere Demi. Not without you. I promise."

This is forever.



Literally you were going crazy and I was getting crazy inboxes from you like ten minutes after I posted the last update! So I decided to be nice and cut the waiting time a little short :)

Was it ok? I really wanted it to be perfect but I did rush it a little bit bc you guys were going crazy!

Aaanyway, update tomorrow maybe..? I'm not sure, I have really big exams coming up next week so I'm studying really hard :(

Love you crazy people so much

L x


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