Chapter 10

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I felt Demi's breathing slowly return to normal as I hummed softly, cradling her body close to mine. I ran my fingers through her hair, gently teasing out any knots without pulling too hard. God everything about her was breathtaking.

Her sudden breakdown hadn't gone unnoticed by the nurses who were watching us closely. A strong sense of protectiveness came over me and I met their gaze strongly, challenging them to try and intervene.

"Demi, I'm gonna take you back to the room ok? Come on baby, let's go."

The word "baby" slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it but she didn't se to notice. I helped her up off the sofa and softly dried her tear stained face with my sleeve. I brushed away a few stray hairs and put my hands either side of her face and smiled at her.

"Beautiful." I stated and I was rewarded with a half smile in return. I took her hand and led her past the nurses looking straight ahead, daring them to stop us, and headed back upstairs to our room.

As soon as we got in I led her into the bathroom. I turned on the faucet and faced her again, gently resting my hands on her shoulders.

"Have a shower and change into something comfy ok? You'll feel much better. I'll go and see if I can grab us some food from the canteen." Her head was still bowed so I gently raised her chin with my finger.

"Remember what you told me? You're 'utterly fabulous'." I winked at her am she finally giggled, rolling her eyes. I sighed in relief.

"I'll be back in a minute." I told her and left the room. I jogged downstairs to the canteen and approached the lady standing behind the counter.

"Any chance you have a couple of sandwiches or something floating around?" I asked, putting my best puppy dog face on. It seemed to work as after five minutes of searching she handed me two ham sandwiches and two juice boxes. I felt slightly repulsed at the thought of having to eat it all but pushed the thought away as I made my way back to the room.

As I let myself in I heard singing coming from the bathroom. Demi had told me before that if she didn't have music in her life she'd have nothing to live for as it pulled her out of dark moods. I put the food on the bedside table and sat on her bed with my back against the headboard and closed my eyes, listening to her powerful voice filter through the room.

All along it was a fever
A cold sweat hot-headed believer
I threw my hands in the air, said, "Show me something,"
He said, "If you dare, come a little closer."

Round and around and around and around we go
Oh now, tell me now, tell me now, tell me now you know.

Not really sure how to feel about it.
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you.
It takes me all the way.
I want you to stay

It's not much of a life you're living
It's not just something you take-it's given

Round and around and around and around we go
Oh now, tell me now, tell me now, tell me now you know.

Not really sure how to feel about it.
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you.
It takes me all the way.
I want you to stay.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, the reason I hold on
Ooh, ooh, ooh, 'cause I need this hole gone
Funny you're the broken one but I'm the only one who needed saving
'Cause when you never see the light it's hard to know which one of us is caving.

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