You Have To Sign Those Papers

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Later, Ben and Brooke managed to ditch Tucker, Danny, and Emma go to work at the bar, Ben flipping bottles and Brooke working on the massive headache she had. She had drank that whole pack of beer, fell asleep in the car, and now was a hot, grouchy mess.
"Whoa!" Riley chuckled. "Oh. Wow. Very impressive. And who said you had no discernable skills?" Ben furrowed his eyebrows.
"Um, I think that was one of you two." Brooke didn't answer. She had dozed off.
Ben sighed. "Riley, what am I supposed to do?" Riley shrugged helplessly.
"Well, there's not really that much we can do until Angela comes back. But I think we should probably talk about the elephant in the room. Which for once isn't me." She chuckled again, but Ben didn't even crack a smile. "How much do you want to be involved?" Ben shrugged.
"I don't know what I want. Last year, I was doing construction. Before that, I was waiting tables. Now I'm flipping bottles. I haven't figured my life out yet. I'm not you." Riley raised her eyebrows.
"What does that mean?" Ben scoffed.
"Oh! Come on. College, law school, this... Transformation. You see what you want and you go for it." Brooke snored and stood up straight.
"What!? What I miss?" She asked, and Ben shook his head at her, then grabbed a dishtowel, filled it with ice and lay it on her head, then pulled out a bottle of aspirin.
"Brooke, take one of these. With water, not alcohol." Brooke scowled at him, but gulped the aspirin down.
That was when Riley gasped.
"Oh! Ice down my bra." She sighed and Brooke pointed at her, finally smiling.
"Haha! Smooth move, Perrin!" That was when Ben's phone beeped.
"Hey." Riley tried to get Ben's attention, ignoring Brooke. "I'm really sorry I sat on your head all those times." But Ben paid zero attention
"Angela's back!" He told them. Brooke gasped and yanked off her apron.
"Lets get out of here!" To another barman, she said, "We're on break, man." Then the two dashed out of the bar.


"Where is she?" Ben asked Danny the minute the two entered the apartment. "Where's Angela?" Brooke just stood there, giggling at Danny, who had a baby carrier strapped to his front with Emma in it. And he did not look happy about it.
"First of all, she woke up the baby." He grumbled, then pointed to an envelope on the table. "Second, she wanted me to give you that envelope." Ben's eyes went wide with fury.
"You let her leave? What's the matter with you?" He growled, picking up the envelope.
"Oh, I'm sorry. My bad, but I was a little preoccupied raising your child." Danny grouched back as Ben opened the letter and Brooke looked over his shoulder. "Read it. I think you'll be happy." Brooke and Ben read the letter, then looked at each other in dismay.
"They're adoption papers." Brooke croaked.
"She's putting Emma up for adoption and she needs me to relinquish my rights." Ben added, then looked to Danny. "If I sign this, I'm not a father anymore." Danny smiled at him.
"Amazing, right? Well, see, I'm not the only one who's excited." He lifted Emma's arms up, making it look like she was cheering. "Yay! Whoo!"


"So, he signs this and Emma has a new daddy?" Brooke asked Riley later when she came over.
"Pretty much. The letter says they already have a family lined up." Riley told her sadly. Even if none of them would admit it, they were all already attached to Emma.
That was when a knock came at the door, and Ben went to answer is.
"If I do this, if I let her go, I don't want to hear about it. I never want to talk about it again, okay? Okay. Okay." That was when he opened the door, and his busty blonde of a mom Bonnie stood there.
"Where is my precious little grandbaby?" She asked. Ben looked confused.
"Mom, what are you doing here?" She laughed as she ran straight for Emma, who was in her carseat on the counter.
"I'm a grandma!" She exclaimed, just as Danny came in.
"Hey, ma. Aah!" He yelled when he saw his mother, who was cooing over the baby already. "What is she doing here?" He demanded of Ben. Ben shrugged.
"Did you tell her?" Danny shook his head.
"I didn't even tell her I was here."
"Oh, I'll get to you." Bonnie promised, then went back to her granddaughter. "Oh. Hi. Oh, she is just a big ol' pile of love." Tucker grimaced.
"Yeah, I really don't think that's love that you're smelling." Bonnie gave him a look, then looked around the room.
"Okay, who wants to explain to me why I had to hear that I was a grandma while I was getting my nails done?" She asked, and Brooke went for the fridge. "That Jennifer Perrin couldn't wait to let me have it. Ever since that Fatpants daughter of hers got into law school she's just--" Ben stepped to the side, and Bonnie saw a rather offended Riley. "Hi, Riley. I didn't see you there. You're so thin now, you should wear a bell." That was when she noticed duct tape wrapped around Emma's diaper. "Oh. Is this duct tape?" Everyone looked to Tucker and Brooke, who had been in charge of changing her.
"We were having a closure issue!" Tucker exclaimed.
"The duct tape was closest!" Brooke added. Bonnie gave them a look.
"Oh, what, you couldn't find a stapler?" Ben sighed and threw the papers back onto the table.
"Honestly. I can't sign those papers now. It's not gonna happen." Danny went over to his brother.
"Hey, don't worry about Mom. You gotta do what you think is right. I'll totally back you up."
"What papers?" Bonnie asked, and Danny panicked.
"You're on your own, bro!" Then he ran to his bedroom.
"Danny! Help your brother!" Brooke shouted, chasing after him, but the door slammed shut. "Damn you, Danny!"
"Brooke, come back me up here." Ben called, then turned back to his mom. "Mom... I have some news."
"Yeah. You knocked up some girl because you couldn't figure out the basics of birth control. We're past that, honey, okay?" Bonnie told him.
"Mrs. Wheeler?" Tucker got her attention this time, and smiled warmly. "Bonnie."
"Really?" Bonnie asked, and Brooke nudged Tucker.
"Only I get to call her Bonnie." Tucker nodded, then turned back to Bonnie.
"Mrs. Wheeler. Emma's mom wants to put Emma up for adoption and for Ben to sign away his rights." Bonnie's face fell and she looked between the three.
"Really? So you''re thinking about giving up this little girl?" Ben nodded.
"Yeah, I was thinking about it."
"They've already got a family lined up for her." Brooke added. Bonnie sighed, then began laughing!
"Oh, good!" Ben, Brooke and Tucker furrowed their eyebrows.
"Good?" Ben asked. "What do you mean, good?" Bonnie smiled at him
"Oh, Ben, honey. You can't begin to understand the kind of sacrifice it takes to be a parent. When I married your father, and I had you two, I had to put my dreams on hold."
"What dreams?"
"Being single and childless." Brooke snorted. "Ben... Honey, I love you, but you can't raise this little girl. You haven't even finished raising yourself. You can't cook, you're barely paying your bills... Honey, I still buy your pants. This baby needs a grown-up. You gotta sign those papers." Ben sighed and looked to his two best friends, unsure what to do

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