Tucker's in the Zone, and Brooke is Drunk

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"I am not pretending to be your wife." Riley told him, annoyed. Emma was back in the stroller next to Ben.

"But I need you! You're the glue of my very flimsy lie." Riley threw up her hands.

"Well, I can't tomorrow. I'm having lunch with Jack." Ben furrowed his eyebrows.

"Jack?" Riley nodded.

"The guy I'm seeing. In the real world. Where I'm single and not breastfeeding." Ben squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, then looked at Riley again.

"Okay, how's this? Once Henderson hires me, we'll get a quick, but amicable divorce." Riley rolled her eyes.

"If only you had anything I wanted half of." Ben threw up his hands.

"I just want Emma to have a father she can be proud of." Ben sighed. "Please, you have to help me... "Riley Wheeler." Riley looked down at her lap.

"I only wrote that in my notebook every day." Then she realised she said that outloud. "I'm just working on our backstory." Ben's eyes went wide with glee.

"So you'll do it?" That was when Bonnie came in, and saw the stroller.

"Oh, hell no! This is going back." She told Ben, before grabbing the stroller and storming out. "Angry blonde with a baby coming through, people. Move it. Come on. Move it, move it, move it."


"Oh, hell no. This is going back." Tucker told Danny when they saw the girly, pink stroller back in their apartment. Danny nodded.

"Yeah! Let's get it out of here!" They pushed the stroller out of the apartment, Emma out with Bonnie, but as they walked out into the hall, they saw Brooke coming out of her apartment, wiping her eyes, a purse over her shoulder and a half drank bottle of wine in her hand.

"Hey Brooke!" Danny called, but Tucker was panicking, knowing the consequences of drinking and pregnancy. He liked to call it Ben.

Brooke's eyes went wide when she saw them, and she wiped her eyes again.

"Oh! Hey guys!" Danny furrowed his eyebrows, going over to her, Tucker right behind him.

"Brooke, have you been crying?"

"Crying?" She asked, her voice pitching higher. "What's crying? I don't cry. Who's crying? Is Emma crying? I should go check on her!" Then she tried to run past Danny and Tucker, but they both blocked her with their arms. She sighed, and turned around to lean up against their conjoined arms. "Its just... Apparently, I can't get anywhere with just skill alone. I have to use my body to reach the top!"

"Oh, girl, come on now!" Tucker told her, helping her stand straight. "You've got the skills to pay the bills! You can make a new kind of alcohol within minutes! You can snap any one of us guys into gear in a second! You can win a game of Shot and Score and get a little more! And plus, if my memory serves me correctly and, let's be honest, it was a drunken hot mess that we both try to forget, you are very good with what you do in the bedroom." Brooke glowered at him.

"Great! Even you think that my body is one of my better skills! Along with my ability to flirt, and drink!" Danny put his hand on her shoulder.

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