Ben Is Daddy

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"9 am. She'll be ready." Ben hung up the phone. "Done." He told  Danny and Tucker. "Somebody from the adoption agency will be here first thing in the morning." Tucker was concerned, though
"You okay?" Ben nodded.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Ben, if you don't want to do this, man--"
"It doesn't matter." Ben interrupted Danny. "Mom was right. I couldn't raise this baby even if I wanted to." Danny patted his shoulder.
"Bro, it's going to be okay. It happened, you dealt with it, and now, like you said, we're never talking about this again."


"No, don't. I swear to God." Riley told Danny later at the bar.
"Okay. Okay." He laughed. She pointed her finger at him.
"No, I will hurt you."
"So... Did you always like Ben?" Brooke came up behind her, teasingly. Riley gasped.
"How did you know?" Brooke tapped the side off her head.
"Its a girl thing, Riles. Now, did you, or not?" Riley laugh.
"Oh, my God, you two are obsessed!" Then she sighed. "I don't know. Kind of. Guess I always thought maybe someday, but back then I just figured I was too fat, or too--"
"loud, or too hairy, or--"
"Okay, we're not making a list." Riley stopped the two. Both Brooke and Danny laughed.
"Well, you've grown to be a beautiful and successful woman." Danny told her. "I think you can safely move on from Ben Wheeler." Riley furrowed her eyebrows.
"Why would I want to do that?" Brooke raised her eyebrows.
"Uh, did you miss the part in the story about the baby? The baby he doesn't want to give up?" Riley was confused.
"If that's true, then why did he make that call?"
"Because his entire family is telling him he can't do it. If nobody believes in him, how can he believe in himself?" Danny told her. Riley sighed.
"He can't do it alone."
"You don't know that." That was when Riley's phone beeped.
"Oh, it's Ben. Your mom's about to leave him alone with the baby."
"You're going?" Brooke asked her. Riley nodded.
""Alone" is in all caps." Then she reached out and punched both of them.
"Ow!" Danny exclaimed. "What was that for?"
"For making me talk about my feelings. You know I hate that." She told them, then went to walk away, before turning around again. "And go easy on your brother, okay? He looks up to you. In his eyes, you have everything." Then she left, and Danny sighed.
"Not everything." Brooke didn't even hear him. She just sighed and fell to the couch.
"Danny, we both know Ben doesn't want to give up this baby." Danny shrugged.
"Yeah, but everyone's telling him he can't." Then Danny had a realisation. "Including us." Brooke came to the same realisation.
"Oh my god. Its because of us!" Danny looked at her, confused.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, since we don't believe in him, he'll never believe in himself." Brooke explained. "And if Riley goes to help him..."
"He'll have no chance of thinking he can do this!" Danny jumped up. "Get on my back! We've got to stop Riley!" Brooke didn't think twice. She jumped onto Danny's back, wrapped her arms around his neck, and the two were off!


"Wait, wait, wait! Wait!" They called to Riley just as she got off the elevator and they got off the stairs.
Oh, my God." Riley was confused a little as to why Danny and Brooke had stopped her. Brooke jumped off of Danny's back and patted his shoulder as he panted.
"Now I know why you were traded." She told him, then they both looked to Riley.
"You were right." Danny told her. "I didn't believe in him. I didn't think he could do it."
"Yeah, and neither did I." Brooke admitted. Riley was still confused.
"So why are you telling me?"
"Because... If you go in there and help him, he'll never believe in himself, either."


"Riley, Riley, Riley, Riley, please? She's hungry, or thirsty, or tired. I don't know, I don't speak baby." They heard Ben begging inside. Riley listened to the voicemail being left on her phone that she sat on, feeling awful, just as Tucker came out of the elevator.
"Tuck." Danny called, and gestured for Tucker sit down with them.
"What is going on?" Tucker asked. "Vanessa and I were at the movies when Ben called and said Emma's having some kind of meltdown."
"I don't think Emma's the problem." Brooke told him, and they began to explain everything.


"Tucker, I swear if you're not home in two seconds... I'm gonna eat all your food." Ben told him over the phone inside, before calling him again. "Tucker?!" He groaned, and Tucker's phone began ringing loudly.
"Tucker!" Brooke whisper-shouted, jumping on him.
"Turn it off!" The four of them pressed themselves against the wall as Ben looked out the peephole, then heads back to Emma.


"I'm telling you, there is no way. Bodily functions make him queasy." Tucker said later as they ate some pizza for dinner.
"He can do it. Where's your faith, man." Danny asked him, though worried for his brother.
Later, Brooke stood outside the peephole, watching Ben as he tried to feed Emma.
"See? Here you go. There. Okay. Hi. Hi. Hi. Emma?" Ben sighed. Emma wouldn't take the bottle. "Please eat. Come on, Emma. Look, look, Emma, it's good. It's good. Mmm." Brooke giggle softly at his face at he tasted the formula. "Oh, total lie. It's actually quite disgusting. No wonder you don't want to eat. Please eat. Come on, Emma. Just a sip, okay?" Emma fussed, and Brooke slumped.
"Come on, Emma. Do it for Daddy." She whispered.
"Come on. Okay, come on." Emma began to cry. "Come on, you have to eat. I'm begging you. Come..." Ben sighed and began to pace back and forth, flipping the bottle around. Emma stopped fussing and murmured, making Ben's eyes go wide. "What? You like that?" Brooke smiled as Ben began to toss it around more. "Look what daddy can do. Huh? I do this at work every day. Huh? You want some now? You want some? Here it comes. Here it comes, baby." He laughed as Emma finally took the bottle."Oh, my God, you're eating. Thank you so much." He began to cry himself. "Holy crap, now I'm crying." Both he and Brooke chuckled. "Crap. Don't say crap. Don't use swear words." He told himself sternly, then laughed again. "Oh, I can't believe you're eating. You're so cute." Brooke smiled again, before going back to the others.


"Hey, wake up." Danny poked them the next morning, where they had all fallen asleep, using him as a pillow. "Dude, you're drooling on me." He told Tucker, before they all went inside rubbing the kinks out of their backs. They found Ben playing Peek a Boo with Emma.
"Hey." He called as they came in. Brooke went over and stood behind him, smiling at him and Emma.
"Hey. You okay?" Riley asked. Ben nodded.
"Yeah. I think I want to do this. I can't let her go. I love her." He looked around, waiting for their reaction, but they weren't surprised. "Did you guys hear me?" Danny nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah, we heard you." Brooke planted a kiss on both him and Emma's foreheads.
"You did wonderful last night, Ben." She told him.
"You should probably call the agency. It's almost 7:00." Danny added, and Tucker came over and took Emma away.
"Come on, mi amor." He said as he lifted her up. Here we go. Ooh, somebody could use a bath." Then he got a whiff of Ben. "Oh. You both could."
"I'm gonna go get a bottle ready." Danny said.
"But I want to give it to her, okay?" Ben told him standing up.
"I'll pick her out an outfit." Brooke said.
"We're really gonna have to get on some kind of schedule though. For real." Tucker told Ben as the three of them headed back, Riley leaving quietly with a smile on her face.
"What do you mean?" Ben asked.
"Well, we have a baby now so I mean, we kind of have to be adults." Ben nodded.
"Okay. I'll do the shopping." Tucker nodded back.
"Okay, but let's talk about..."

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