Greek Food and New Captains

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"When'd you get home? Where'd you go? He behaved himself, right?" Danny grilled on Bonnie, who had just had a date with Hank.

"Sure. Let's go with that." She told him, rolling her eyes, making Danny raise his own eyebrows. "We just went out for some Italian food." Brooke groaned from where she laid on the couch.

"Oh! Italian food sounds so good!" She fussed, turning over and burying her face into the couch cushion. She'd started getting sick again, so she came over to in case she needed help.

"Italian food?" Danny asked, then looked to Bonnie sternly. "Oh, we all know what that means." Then he realised he didn't. "No, we don't! What does that mean?"

"Somebody's going to go out and get me some gyros?" Brooke asked pitifully, laying on her back again and throwing her arm over her forehead. Tucker turned around from where he sat at the counter.

"I thought you wanted Italian food. Gyros are Greek." She nodded, staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah, but then my mind started thinking about the different types of ethnic foods you can find around here like Chinese, and Italian, and Japanese, and Mexican, and when I got to Greek, it sounded even better, and now I want gyros." Bonnie thew up her hands, exasperated with all of them.

"This is exactly what I was trying to avoid." Brooke looked up, looking confused.

"What, me wanting Greek food?" Bonnie shook her head, sighing.

"No, not you, honey." She told her. "I'll get you Greek food later." Then she looked to Danny "And Danny, I think I should keep this part of my life private." Danny furrowed his eyebrows.

"Private?" Tucker nodded, turning around.

"In other words, just because he's your coach, don't expect to know when he scores." Danny gave him a disgusted look.

"Don't you have something better to do?" Tucker shook his head, grinning.

"No, not better than this, no." He told him.

"It is quite entertaining." Brooke told them, putting her arm behind her head to sit up better. Bonnie chose to ignore them.

"Okay, honey, I know that you don't want to hear this, but I'm a woman and I have needs." Danny's eyes went wide and grabbed a notepad and a pen, throwing them down on the counter in front of Bonnie.

"So make a list. I'll get whatever you need right now." Bonnie pinched the bridge of her nose. "So are we good?"

"I'm captain." Riley cheered in a singsong voice as she came in from the balcony, where she and Ben had been discussing the issue of her being voted captain. "Ben talked me into it."

"Without even opening my mouth." Ben told them, clearly not happy with the decision. "The only thing we haven't figured out yet: Who's watching Emma on Saturday?"

"It's not gonna be me." Bonnie said at once. "Hank invited me to lunch and I'm not canceling. Our schedules are almost impossible to hook up."

"She said "hook up." Danny said, freaking out again.

"Not me." Brooke mumbled from the couch. "I feel like absolute crap. I don't want to get Emma sick." Then she sat up again. "Bonnie, are we still going to get Greek food?" Bonnie nodded, heading for the door and patting Brooke's head.

"Of course sweetie, I will get you some right now." Then she looked to Tucker. "Yo, Tiny Tuck, can you run out and get Brooke some gyros and pick me up a large pop?" Tucker sighed, but got up.

"Fine, but only because Brooke's sick!"

"Thank you, Tuck Tuck!" Brooke called as he headed for the door.

Meanwhile, Danny had formulated a plan in his brain, and looked to Ben.

"Okay. I'll do it." He told Ben. "I'll watch Emma. I'd hate for anyone to have to cancel their plans." He directed that towards Bonnie, who smiled, flattered.

"Well, thank you, Danny. Problem solved." Danny grinned.

"Not yet, but it will be." He murmured softly, thinking no one heard him.

Until Brooke ended up vomiting again and needed to borrow a shirt, which was quickly offered up by Ben. When she got out of Ben's room, she cornered Danny, who was heading to his own room.

"Okay, what's the catch?" He shrugged.

"What catch?" She crossed her arms, leaning against Ben's door.

"You'd hate for anyone to cancel their plans? Danny, don't try to undermine your mother's love life! She's been lonely since she and your dad got a divorce. Maybe its a bit awkward, but don't try to get in their way." Danny went to protest, then he remembered who he was talking to.

"If my mom starts dating my coach, you're going to start seeing him a lot more." He told her. "Its going to be pretty difficult to sneak my teammates out of your apartment if my coach starts hanging around with her more." Brooke looked at her feet, knowing he was right. And Danny knew he was leading Brooke right into the palm of his hand. "Yeah. And imagine what he would say if he saw you with a guy. He already thinks you're a prostitute. What would he tell future hookups and boyfriends?" And potential stepdads for the baby he thought in his head as Brooke glared at him, stomping her foot.

"Damn you, Danny!" She snarled, crossing her arms again. "What do we do?" Danny pumped his fist.

"Well, I was going to try and get her to stay because I have a supposed toothache, but..."

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