Who's That Pokémon ?

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"Hello, Princible Oak, it's me Adeline. May I come in ?" She asked after she knocked on the door. "You can," He replied. "I have some of my Moms-" She began until she noticed the class and the Professor.

Spotting Kiawe she blushed red. She did not expect Kiawe to be in the Principle's office.

   "Wonderful, please come over here." On his desk were to different looking eggs. One was while with pale flower-like marking while the other looked to be a solid brown. After it was explained, the egg the class did not pick, she noticed Ash was part of it. She would take and care for the egg.

  After Lillie, a girl who could not touch pokemon without freaking out picked the pretty white one she had hoped for. It was rather cute with it's markings and from Alola while the darker egg came from the Kanto region that Professor Oak (the cousin) had sent.

After a bad Golduck joke she took the brown egg home. "I wonder what pokemon is is ?" She asked out loud as she walked back home.

She studied the egg and noticed a pattern at the bottom. Kind of like red waves or something. "Oh, that's going to be a cute pokemon when it hatches," Her Mom commented knowingly. "Then you know what pokemon it is !?" Why should she be surprised ? Her Mom knew and saw a lot.

"It's a secret," She replied with a smirk.

Touching the egg she felt how warm it was

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Touching the egg she felt how warm it was. Smiling she took a soft cloth and began to polish it. The egg moved as she began. "You like that ?" She asked a smile. "I can't wait for you to hatch, there's a lot of fun going on," She began before she blushed at the thought of Kiawe.

She always blushed when it came to the young, muscular boy. Kiawe liked fire types, just remembering his interest in her Fennekin made her even redder. He had been so interested as he bent down to examine her pokemon.

   The other students did as well but it was a bit of a blur as she focused solely on the dark skinned boy with the black tattoos on his shoulders. Maybe leaving the Kalos Region was not so bad after all, she had thought at the time.

Maybe in the future she'd challenge him to a battle. So far the only one who could do a serious battle was Mimikyu. She really wanted to impress him with her pokemon. Fennekin especially since she was a fire type.

  The egg moved gain getting her attention back. "I know, I know. You really like me polishing your egg, don't you," She cooed at the unhatched pokemon. It wiggled again earning a smile as she continued to polish it until it had a glossy shine.

"All done," She whispered as she made a bed out of several pillows to place the egg on while it soaked in the sun. Pretty sure I have a book on egg care, She thought as she headed for a bookcase that held all sorts of information. Mostly it was about Pokémon Care, Berries, Poke Food and even a few books about Teas.


Ah, sleeping in the sun was so good, She thought with half closed eye lids. "Zzzle," She heard a unfamiliar pokemon say softly. Yawing she stretched before taking a look from her high perch. It was a female pokemon who looked like a large dark scaled lizard.

  The pokemon seemed to be moving stealthily around. At first when it was close to the rather large pond she thought it was after the water pokemon except it slunk away. Digging her claws into her branch she moved into a crouch position, furthering that this sneak would not notice her.

Climbing the house the pokemon made it to Adeline's balcony. "Sal," The stranger smirked. The egg ! Now it made sense what this stranger was up to ! Leaping on the balcony she made it, perched near the would be thief she hissed warningly before yowling.

Hopefully Adeline and the others would hear.

And she did as she heard a gasp while she had a stare down. Adeline made a quick run for the egg, before it could move she pounced on the strange sweet smelling creature. Taking a bite she raked her claws over the scaled pokemon.

"Salazzle the Toxic Lizard Pokémon.

For some reason, only females have been found. It creates a reverse harem of male Salandit that it lives with. Filled with pheromones, its poisonous gas can be diluted to use in the production of luscious perfumes."

Thought so, She ran her sharp nails and gave a ear splitting yowl. With a pained cry the wild Salazzle tried to escape her grip. It spun and tried to roll on her, save that she kept a good grip on the neck and raked bloody slashes all over the body.

It screamed in pain and terror. Bloody and sliced up the would be thief went down a few times but managed to stagger up, once again she whished she had already evolved. As a Persian she'd be much bigger and stronger, shame she'd miss being small.

"Ku !" Mimikyu cheered her on. Encouraged she kept up on this fight as she tried to claw the face. Raking over the eye she felt the pokemon almost tip over before she jumped off.

Finally free but badly wounded the wild Salazzle made a tired and clumsy escape as it fell from the balcony. The fall jarred the creature before it scrabbled hastily with Mimikyu hot on it's heels.

The panicked look on it's face would have been hilarious  had not the current events. "That was so close," Adeline slumped with the egg safely in her arms. Turning she jumped off and padded over to touch the egg as it began to move again.

  "Guess there are pokemon here that steal and eat eggs. I remember another pokemon that likes eating Pidgey eggs," Adeline commented as she absentmindedly rubbed the egg.

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