The Arrival of The Dark Trainer

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Picking up some Alolan Coffee beans, Coconut Oil and Flakes for a Coffee Cake she noticed a pokemon trainer she had never seen before. By his side was a wonderful looking Umbreon and the pokemon battling was a Lycanroc in it's midnight form.

They were batteling against a Blastoise. "The Very Strong Pokémon Trainer," She muttered as she stopped to watch.


"That Umbreon  is rather cool," Ice Queen commented admiringly. "Sounds like you have a crush sis," The brother teased. As the sibling's bickered she looked over the sleek black and yellow pokemon.

Looking over at the Midnight Lycanroc she could definitely agree it was intimidating. With those glowing red eyes. Sharp claws and fangs, this pokemon looked like it could go berserk for sure. Like Garados, she thought with awe.

With just one Counter the pokemon moved a step aside before punching the pokemon was sent flying. "That pokemon weighed 100 kilos, that's 220 pounds," Adeline commented.

Not long did Ash run in and challenge the Dark Trainer. "He looks familiar," Adeline commented to herself. Indeed, with that blonde hair, blue eyes and skin tone. She swore she had seen him somewhere.

      Lillie rushed in with her butler James. Turned out the mysterious trainer was Lillie's brother Gladion. "Let's go," Adeline prodded.

Later that day the twins were commenting what they thought Rockruff would evolve into. It was clear they thought it would evolve into the Midday form. Something was up however, they spoke of evolving.

     It seemed the two had finally decided  as they asked Kirlia to gather the required stones for them to choose.

The full moon illuminated them as each of every stone was laid out. Fire, Electric, Water, Ice and Grass stones were laid out. Each was widely spaced. Both sibling stepped forward to their chosen stones.

   Their forms glowed as they began to change. Ice Queen got taller but stayed slim. Long pointed ears and two long dangles near the head grew.

Looking over at the other she saw something similar but much fluffier. "I thought seeing that Umbreon  would cause them to decide to evolve."

  Surprised she looked behind her to see Adeline watching the evolving duo. As the light faded to reveal a Glaceon the Fresh Snow Pokémon and Flareon the Flame pokemon. "It suites them," Adeline added with a smile.


"Someone used a Z-Move," she said in fear. The unbelievably gigantic rock that suddenly appeared blasted. Rushing to the beach she was treated to a beautiful Alolan sunset but also a pokemon battle.

Gladion's  Lycanroc, they had used a Rock Z-Move. Lillie appeared, reminding them of school.

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