Open School Day !

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She watched as Adeline did her school work. Muttering of theories Yungoos and the evolutions of Gumshoos. Muttering of how it came from another region and the Cat Ferret pokemon Zangoose was naturally found in Hoenn, Unova and the Kalos Region.

   "Most likely this was long ago since no one really knows," Her trainer continued to theorize. "Meowth and Persian certainly changed, being non native it was selectively bred to look like it does now in this region."

   "Dear, why don't you go outside and train ?" Her trainer's Mom suggested.  "Can't, with me and Ash doing reports since were not from here I have to take this seriously since Ash is probably farting around," Adeline pointed out scathingly.

It was understandable since all Ash did was train. Deep thought and studying was not his forte. Huffing Adeline jumped up while muttering how Ash was probably complaining how he was becoming a old man from actual studying.

Scooping her up into her arms, Adeline carried her outside to watch a water pokemon ballet. Feebas had become quite pretty lately and no doubt she would evolve soon. In sync Goldeen and Feebas danced in the water with agile grace.

"So many pokemon brought here has changed due to the environment and even what they eat. Meowth, Ratta, Grimer, Vulpix and Exaggutor. This region is completely different due to it's drastic weather differences. These pokemon rapidly changed while others seem to not have changed. Maybe because they were originally ideal for Alola's environment  ?"

   She's still trying to work on her assignment !? Sweat dropping she realized that her trainer was very studious and driven.


It looked like there was a party going on with all the decorations. Everyone from all the villages was here, enjoying themselves as they chatted with each other. Climbing on top of a fake Exaggutor she spotted Ash and his pokemon with a nice looking lady with a Mr. Mime.

The two chatted with Lillie and her butler before Vulpix bounced into view. The lady gave the young Vulpix a friendly pat on the head.

    Yawning she decided a short sun nap would be good. With this high spot she soaked up the light and heat then she would have on the ground. 


Pretty much everyone's parents were here save for Kiawe, Mallow and Lillie. There parent's were to busy and only James, Lillie's butler was here.

    "The Pokémon School !" Two twin girls cheered as they moved around in the blink of an eye, they looked like mini versions of Lana with that blue hair and similar outfits. "We will also enter the Pokémon School !" They shouted in total sync.

            I hope that will only happen in a long time. She already felt drained just from this dose of the energetic twins.

"Sure ! But only when you get older," There Mom replied as she grabbed the two with practiced ease and skill. "Come on, don't make such noise," There Mom replied as she carried the giggling duo away.

"Yay !"

   So hyper, She sweat dropped.

    "We have to do this amongst so many people ? Ash, you okay with this ?" Sophocles questioned. "Are you nervous ?" Mallow questioned. "Did you get every thing done and did it correctly ?" She questioned back. Ash could not cut corners with that, if he even struggled to say environment, he was doomed.

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