Fun at the Beach

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Once again they were at the beach, except this time it was everyone from the Pokemon School that were with them. Like yesterday he saw Kiawe except the older boy was not flying his Charizard like yesterday's morning.

Glancing at his blushing trainer who stole glances at the boy he noticed that Adeline had gotten a bit leaner from all the training they had been doing together. Swimming in the sea had muscled them, well mainly him. Adeline just got a little slimmer and firmer.

Leaping from the water he eyed the beach to get a better view of what was going on. Feebas mirrored him as she leaped up only to flop back in. After eating so many Bluk Berry infused food Feebas was neither elegant or smooth. She still moved in a rather choppy way.

Adeline's egg had been placed with another next to the Proffessor as he stayed in the shade. Kiawe was rubbing something on his Turtonator. Splashing back in the water he decided to go to a deeper part.

A school of pretty Alomomola were swimming nearbye. Leaping  next to one he began to really use his muscles as he swam as fast as he could while doing turns and leaps. His muscles began to faintly burn as he kept this up.

Feebas tried to copy but he could tell she was tiring out fast from his constant training regiment. Sighing he slowed down and swam to the girl with the Popplio.


Boys Vs. Girls in a splashing contest. "Magikarp !" She called for help as Kiawe began splashing her merciusly.  "Karp !" Her pokemon cried as he splashed next to a drenched Kiawe. Laughing she began to splash back

In the corner of her eye she saw Ralts with a floaty drifting by.


This was so nice ! Drifting safely around the sea she relaxed at the happy emotions she was picking up.

Frusteration, anger and annoyance, She felt. Looking up a long haired woman seemed to be trying to open a wild Cloyster. Even with her companions to help it was no good. Should I ask ? No maybe not.

Drfiting away she now spotted Magikarp having a race with Ash and Kiawe. With a leap Magikarp won first, Kiawe second and Ash and his Rowlet at last place.


He rather liked Kiawe, he decided after he won the race. "I lost," Ash sulked.  "That was a good race," Kiawe replied.  Leaping in the air he spotted Corsala watching the sea intently.

"Mereanie !" He warned as he hastily retreated from the rock. As Kiawe warned Ash he fled from the Piosonus Pokemon. The Kalos Region thankfully never had the Brutal Star pokemon but in his ignorance early on in his sea training a wild Mareanie had managed to grab him.

Adeline had saved him as she had constantly kicked the wild pokemon's body with a sandled foot. Even with his thick scaled hide he had been sick until Adeline got him back and fed him Pecha Berries by hand.

The pain and the poison was a strong enough memory for him to swim fast away from the giant group of Mareanie. Leaping high as he swam he yelled a warning making all of the pokemon swim to shore.


"Return," She had all three of her water pokemon come as close as they could to the beach to have them back in their Poke Balls. A group of Mareanie was nothing to joke about.

Just then she thought she heard cries of pure terror.


Terror, pure fear, She felt not that far from them. I am not going over there, She thought. "Okay, it's now Pokemon Observation Time," The Proffessor decided. She felt someone strongly being poisoned now. A Mareanie most have gotten someone.

Just then the two eggs bounced at once. "Hatch soon you two. The you both can play with us," She whispered before running back to Adeline. She felt peaceful fealings nearbye, pokemon asleep.

It was a sleeping Slowpoke who seemed to have decided the rock it slept on was a good sunning spot. She felt more emotions from that spot, infatuation ?

She noticed Ash was heading to that spot but they wouldn't. No, no, no and most definetely not. She felt strong hatred and despise. "Let's go over there," She led Adeline away to a Shellder hinding under some rocks.

Now it was Victory and a I Found You  feeling ? Then disbelief.


Hitting a water bubble with her head she joined in on the Volleyball game. Kaiwe had split the original bubble so now there were three to play with. The funniest part was when all three merged back in Rowlet was stuck in it.

Togedemaru popped it only to find her head stuck in the sand. Laughing they all continued with a new water ball.

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