Alola Battle

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Once she was back to the Alola Region did she rush home for a well deserved shower and a change of clothes. Eevee was handling it all well as she had left her pokemon downstairs to eat. She had briefly watched as Eevee seemed to become friends with her friendly Vulpix.

  Speaking of her Vulpix, she could tell the pokemon had gotten into being groomed. The soft silky fur was cared to perfection. No doubt her pokemon had gotten a oil treatment from the looks of those bouncy curls on her pokemon's head and tails.


She could not believe it ! Adeline was practically flying through that Bewear's territory ! She knew they were taking a short cut but this was crazy ! Finally clear of that terror's territory did Adeline slam to a stop to check the track were students raced the Tauros. Looking both ways first then Adeline continued her race.


She watched the battle between the two strange pokemon, one looked like a little dog while the other was a small donkey ? What strange pokemon, She had thought before the dog-like pokemon used a powerful attack. Z-Move ?

Before she knew it Adeline had challenge another trainer for a battle.

Gyarados flashed into battle, roaring the giant pokemon looked down at his turtle opponent. The Turtonator, the dark skinned trainer called it was big but not even close to Gyarados's great size. Roaring and flashing his fangs, Gyarados was pretty intimidating but clearly that's what the pokemon was doing. Posturing.

"Use Hydro Pump !" Adeline ordered interrupting Gyarados's leering. Raising his head back the serpent-like dragon blasted the fire type pokemon  with a jet of powerful water. Once it was done she could see the pokemon had sustained severe damage but he was still up.

The trainer seemed to be thinking the same things as he mentioned Z-Move, both mirrored strange moves. "Mega Evolve !" Adeline shouted as ribbons of light connected Adeline to Gyarados's.

So pretty, She thought in awe as she stared at the shimmering ribbons. With a earth shattering roar Mega Gyarados appeared in a savage fury. Ice Cold wind blasted as a furious stream of ice and snow hit the Dragon and Fire pokemon.

   With an enraged roar Gyarados no doubt won but he uncoiled himself as he lunged at the unlucky opponent. With a Ice Fang Gyarados firmly snapped the weakened pokemon. Raising his head high Gyarados roughly shook the pokemon until he opened his maw wide enough for the pokemon to fly out.

Once it became clear to Gyarados that he had won to he roar loudly to get everyone's attention.


The Mega Evolution was over and he felt tired but not as much as before. Lowering his head he eyed Adeline but kept up the appearance he was not as tired as he felt. It wouldn't do to show weakness.

  Mega Evolution clearly took a lot out of pokemon who had not completely mastered it. Like a short but powerful blast of power but left you drained.Glancing over at the shy Eevee who had climbed him to avoid that Rolly-Polly pokemon.

Eevee it seemed was pretty shy. He wondered briefly what the tiny pokemon would evolve into. There were so much to choose. He knew there was no Dragon Type evolution for her. A pity.

For him, even if he had as many choices he'd rather be reborn into a dragon. Well he could have stayed as a pitiful weakling but that was not fit for a future lord of the Sky,  (as he could leap very high) Sea and Land !

Glancing away he noticed the eager but dense looking boy and his Pikachu run off with the round human.

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