The Grand Trial

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Appearing beside the Island Kahuna Hala, the young boy Ash's deeds are something to behold. The boy was helped by the Totem Pokemon Dekagoos after defeating it in battle, She read the paper as she sipped her Apple Spice Tea.

Looking over at the tensed picture of Ash and Pikachu. When she noticed it mentioned Ash would be taking the Grand Trial and it would be at Lili'i Town.

    "Mom, I'm going to be gone for the day !" She called as she scrambled to get ready. "Bas ?" Feebas questioned. Stopping at the large aquarium she smiled, "You missed some of your Poke Food," She pointed out. Blinking in surprise the feeble looking fish pokemon gobbled up her breakfast.

Feebas had been looking better lately, She was sure it would evolve soon. I'll need to move her soon, She noted. Might as well do that now. Grabbing some clothes she hurriedly put on her jean shorts and a silky top. Added with some sandals she was was ready.

Feebas thankfully did not struggle during the moving, She was pretty sure the pokemon had gained weight from the confined space, the good food and lack of training. Goldeen would make her loose it, no doubt, She thought as Goldeen tried to bully the water pokemon.

Splashing loudly Feebas tackled Goldeen.

"Hey ! Guys !" She called her pokemon who had already polished off their food. Fennekin ran ahead with Ralts and Mimikyu right behind her. "Return," She had all of her pokemon, save for Ralts return to their Poke Balls.

She hadn't given Ralts much attention since she had been preoccupied with Mimikyu and Magikarp. With the little pokemon in her arms she walked briskly to see Ash's battle with Hala. She might want to challenge the Kahuna since Z Moves seemed so powerful.

By the time they reach the trial had all ready begun, Ash faced off a boxing crab-like pokemon with his Rowlet. "Let's see what that crab pokemon is," She said as she let all of her pokemon out to watch. Mimikyu, she noticed seemed to eye Ash's Pikachu in a malevolent way.

"Crabrawler the Boxing pokemon. A Fighting type.  While guarding its weak points with its pincers, it looks for an opening and unleashes punches. When it loses, it foams at the mouth and faints."

The boxing gloved-looking pincers looked pretty powerful but she wondered where the weak points were. "Crabrawler, Bubble Beam !" Hala started the battle. "Mimikyu, pay attention to the battle," She pointed out. Mimikyu was her best bet in beating Hala but the pokemon was focused on silently burning Pikachu with it's eyes.

Launched high in the air the water move came from the pincers. Ash ordered his pokemon to dodge then use Peck. Flying types should be affective against Crabrawler. As the powerful move hit the Boxing pokemon was on it's back as Ash ordered another Peck.

But that didn't work so well as Crabrawler grabbed Rowlet by the wing and used Brutal Swing. The swing was definitely brutal was Rowlet was swung fast and hard before it was sent flying. Her stomach did a nervous lurch at the sight of it.

Heading down the poor Flying type got a Powered-Up Punch in the face. Just that Rough Swing made it look sick but that punch pretty effective.

Flying high the little owl pokemon seemed to have gathered it's wits. "Use Leafage !" Ash ordered. The powerful grass move was negated by a powerful Bubble Beam. Hala's pokemon weren't your average trained pokemon, She thought as Rowlet used another Leafage.

Ash was up to something, She thought as the field became hidden from view. Sneak attack, She thought. She could definitely have Mimikyu do that.

From behind Crabrawler  Rowlet used Peck and then Peck again while Hala ordered his pokemon to dodge. "This battle is heating up !" She grinned. Over and over Rowlet dive bombed with a powerful Peck.

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