Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic)

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Today is the aptitude test, I'm scared of what I'll get even though I know I'll choose Dauntless, because that's where my brother went two years ago, because our "father" abuses us. I don't call my father by name, because he doesn't deserve it and I risk a beating every time I call him Marcus, but I don't care. "Dawn!!!" I hear Marcus yell.

"Yes!" I yell back.

"Are you ready for school?" He asks, walking up to me.

"Yes I am Marcus and I'll take the bus. I don't need you to take me." I said, rather proud for standing up for myself. I walk out the door and wait for the bus. After a couple of minutes the bus shows up and I hop on.

At the school~'~'~'~'

I get off the bus and get into the school, the Abnegations don't get much attention paid to them, because we're supposed to be selfless, but I'm far from what they expect. The aptitude test doesn't start till after lunch so I have a while to prepare myself, even though I don't know what it will be. So I just go to Faction History.

Before the aptitude test~'~'~'

I'm so nervous my hands are sweating and that doesn't happen often. " Dawn Eaton," is called over the intercom, so I get up and walk to one of the rooms I'm surprised to see a woman with tattoos and piercings, so automatically I know she's a Dauntless. "Hi my name's Tori and you must be Dawn." The woman says. "How do you know my name?" I ask.

" I'm friends with your older brother." Tori says.

" You mean Tobias?"I ask.

"Yes his name's Four now though. Did you not know that?" She ask.

"No I didn't." I exclaim. "Oh I thought you would have, but I guess you guys haven't talked to each other in two years. Now please take a seat and we will start." I go sit down and hands me a clear liquid and I kind of trust her so I drink it without question while she hooks cords and wires up to us and the computer. "Close your eyes and we will start."So I close my eyes and then I wake up in a room with to baskets one with a knife and the other with cheese in it.

" Choose." A Boise says, but I can't detect where it comes from. I choose the knife because if there's a knife there's something dangerous. All of a sudden the table disappears and a snarling dog comes out of the shadows, now I see what the knife is for, but I can't find it in me to kill the dog so I stand my ground and then show admission by bowing to the dog and getting face to face with it and it then becomes sweet and happy and starts licking me in the face. Soon little girl come s running up saying "Puppy." And running up to the dog and it turns on her and starts growling. I didn't want the dog to attack the girl, so I tackled the dog and then my surroundings change and I'm on a bus and a Condor man is in front of me and asks "Do you know this man." pointing at a picture of a man.

The man looked familiar, but at the same I didn't know him, so I said, "No, I don't."

"Are you sure you don't know him because if you do it. would save my life."

"Yes I'm sure." I lied. Then I wake up from the test. "Hold on I'll be back I need help on figuring out what faction you are." Tori says.

Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora