Chapter Twenty-Six

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     I get up out of bed, walking towards the chasm to meet Four. I notice a couple of people are out of bed, probably using the bathroom or getting water. When I get closer to the chasm I hear screaming. I speed up because I know that scream, it's Tris. When I get there Al and Peter run past me and I see Four beating up Drew and Tris passed out. "What the he'll happened, Four?" I say, when using get over there.

     "I'll tell you later, just get Drew to the infirmary, I got Tris." He says, picking her up, bridal style. I just do as I'm told and grab unconscious, Drew and practically drag him to the infirmary. When we get there I sign him in and run to Four's apartment, guessing that that's where he is.

     "Now will you tell me what happened?" I ask, watching him play Tris down.

     "I caught Al, Peter, and Drew practically pushing Tris over the chasm railing, I scared Peter and Al off, but Drew wasn't as lucky." he says, washing his hands.

     "I kind of know that, but why Al, he's one of her friends." I say, sitting across from him. I look behind him and see "Fear God Alone" in red, written on his wall. How come I never noticed that before?

     "I don't know, all I know is what I saw." he says.

      "Maybe jealousy because of her rankings?" I say.

     "Why wouldn't they go after you then?"

     "Point..... Maybe something else that I don't know about."

     "Yep, I'm going with that, even though your theory may be true. Right now you need to go to sleep."

     "Shouldn't I go to the dorms?"

     "No, I think she deserves to know." he says.

     "Are you absolutely sure?"

     "Yes, now go to sleep. I'll sleep on the couch." he says grabbing an ice pack, but he stops when he looks at his bed.

     "You're hands." Tris says.

     "My hands are none of your concern." Four says, sitting down on the bed, placing an ice pack under her head. I'm scared to walk out of the bathroom, what will she think? "Dawn, what are you doing?" Four says.

       "Wait, did you just say, Dawn?" Tris says.

       "Yep." I say, walking out of the bathroom, facing my fear.

     "What are you doing here?" she asks. I look at Four and he rubs the back of his neck.

      "Well, you see, me and Dawn are siblings." he says, nervously.

     "Wait, so you lied to Peter about not even seeing your brother since you got here?" she says. "How could you?"

     "I had to Tris, me and Four made an agreement that we would keep it a secret." I say.

     "Still, it's not right." she says back.

     "Tris, we had to, if we didn't things would have been worse than what they already are." I say, getting angry. Four stands up walking behind me and grabbing my shoulder.

     "Dawn, calm the hell down." he says, putting pressure on my shoulders. He knows this is my only weakness and the only way to calm me down. "Now go over to the couch and go to sleep." he says, turning me around. "We'll all talk about this later when somebody's not tired." he says, glaring at me. Honestly, I was tired and like any normal person, I'm easy to set off when I'm tired. I just nod, grab a blanket and lie down on the couch, quickly falling asleep, hearing Tris and Four talk.

Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now