Chapter Twelve

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     "Hey Dawn." says Four.
     "Hey. I need to talk to you in private." I say. I really need to talk to him about this little situation I was in earlier with Christina.
     "Ok. We are going on a paintball capture the flag test tonight. We'll go hide and I'll talk to you then. Ok?"
     "Ok, I'm fine with that. I've got to go. Gonna hang out with my friends."
     "Good to see you finally making friends. See you later." he says as he walks off. I run to go to Tris.
     "Hey, you done talking with your buddy?" asks Al.
     "Yes I am. There a problem?"
     "No, it's just I don't like him."
     "Oh, I get jealousy." says Christina. "Somebody likes somebody."
     "I do not like Dawn." protests Al, I notice he's blushing. The truth is he's not my type. " I want to get a tattoo."
     "A tattoo of what?" asks Will, who's behind us.
     "I don't know. I just feel like I've left the old faction. Stop crying about it." It just goes silent. "I know you've heard me."
     "Yeah, learn to quiet down, will you? I think your right. We're half in, half out right now. If we want to be all the way in we should look the part." says Christina looking at Tris.
     "No. I will not cut my hair, or dye dye it a strange color. Or pierce my face." Tris says defensively.
     "How bout your belly button?" Christina asks.
     "Or your nipple?" Will says with a chuckle. I just slap him on the head.
     "Shut up!" I retort, backing up Tris.
     "Ooh, Dawn's got some fight in her." Will says. I just stick out my tongue and walk. Christina tells Will and Al that we will meet them at the tattoo parlor and she starts dragging Christina to a clothing store and I just follow.
     "What's wrong with my clothes? I'm not wearing gray anymore." asks Tris.
     "It's not just your clothes it's Dawn's, too. But They're ugly and gigantic. Will you just let me help you? If you don't like what I put you guys in, you don't have to wear it again, I promise." says Christina.
     "As long as you don't put me in a dress." I say.
     "Fine. I'll let you choose yours." says Christina.
     "Lucky." Tris says annoyed. When we get there I just walk off since Christina agreed to pay for it herself. I walk around a bit and find a black tank top, black jeans, and a pair of combat boots. I start to walk up to Christina and Tris and see Tris in a black knee high dress. Christina sees me and beckons me over there.
     "Go try it on." Christina says pushing me into a dressing room. I put on the clothes and the boots and walk out. Christina gasps as I walk out. "Dawn you look amazing. You need to dress like that more often."
     "Why should I dress like this more often?"
     "Because your built for it." Tris says.
     "Ok. I guess I am. Speaking of looking good in clothes, Tris you look good in that dress too."
     "Eyeliner?" Christina says, putting up eyeliner.
     "You're not going to be able to make me pretty, you know." Tris says closing her eyes.
     "Who cares about pretty? I'm going for noticeable."Christina says. Tris opens her eyes and her eyes pop out. "See? Your......striking. You like it?"
     "Yeah, I look like a.... different person." answers Tris.
     "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" asks Christina.
     "A good thing."
     "Sorry Christina, but I'm not wearing make up."
     "You don't need to your eyes already pop out." I gasps in relief. I notice Tris staring at herself in the mirror.
     "Sorry, I've just never been aloud to stare at my reflection this long."
     "Really? Abnegation is a strange faction, let me tell you." says Christina surprised. It's true looking at your reflection is a sign of selfishness.
     "Let's go watch Al get tattooed." says Tris, breaking the silence.
     "Yeah, I think I might get a tattoo myself." I say. When we get to the parlor Al is getting  a tattoo  of a spider. That sends shivers up my spine, because a have a huge fear of them. Christina, Will, and I run and look through a book of tattoos. I notice one of a wolf that says Be Brave on it and I say," I'm gonna get this one."
     "Nice. It's pretty." says Christina. Al gets done and since I've already chose one I tell the slim tattoo artists which one I want, that I want it on my arm, and sit down. When he starts it sends a sharp pain through my arm , then I feel nothing.

Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now