Chapter Fifteen

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     I walk up and support Will's other shoulder. "What is this all about? I wanted to see of Christina wins or not."

     "Good to see your making friends." Four says.

     "Four stop dodging my question."

     "I know, well I wanted to talk to you."

     "About what?"

     "Well you know that question you asked me about Tris?"


     "Well the thing is I kind of like her."

     "That was kind of obvious. Why do you think I asked you?"

     "Because you didn't know. You little rascal." he laughed. It was good to hear him laugh, knowing he doesn't laugh much. "Love you sis."

     "Shhhhh. We're not alone." I say, nodding my head at Will.

     "He's knocked out, he can't hear us."

     "Ok, love you too, Four." I say, right when we get to the infirmary. Four signs Will in and helps me take him to a bed.

     "He should be ok now."

     "Ok, can I go back then I want to see how Christina is doing."

     "Yes, see you later Dawn, at the control room." he whispers the last part.

     "Ok, later." I say as I walk back. When I'm walking back I see the whole group walking toward the chasm. I see Tris and run up to her. "What's going on?" I ask.

    "Christina conceded and Eric is making us follow him." answers Al, "How's Will?"

     "He's fine. But do you know where he's taking us?"

     "From the noise, I'm guessing the CHASM!" answers Tris. You see what I mean he leads a group of initiates to a chasm, I have a bad feeling about this. The next thing I see I Eric shoving Christina against the railing.

     "Climb over it." says Eric.

     "What?" asks Christina.

     "Climb over the railing, if you can hang over the chasm for five minutes I'll forget about your cowardice. If not I cannot let you continue this initiation."

     "Can he do that?" I whisper in Tris' ear.

     "I don't know?" She answers. Man I wish Four was here he would stop this.

     "Fine." Christina says. I watch as she climbs over the railing and start to hang. Next to me I watch as Al sets his watch.(A/N See what I did there?) Christina does good, but then the water hits her back and she slips. I cringe as she almost falls, when I cringe Al sees it and starts to cheer her on. I just can't hold it in any longer and I shout, "I'll do it in her place." Man after I said that I wished I could take it back.

     "Fine then I'll make a deal with you, you take her place for the rest of her time which is, 2 minutes then you both can stay." says Eric.

     "Deal." I say as me and Al walk up to help Christina then I climber the railing and start to dangle. My hands are dry so I'm positive I'm not going to fall. I feel water hit my back and I hold tighter on the railing.

     "Times up." Al yells in Eric's face. Then Eric takes his time looking at his watch

     "Fine. Dawn you can come up know." says Eric. Al walks over to help me. "No, she has to do it on her own."

     "That wasn't in the deal, so she doesn't. She followed the deal. She's not a coward and neither is Christina." says Al, as him and Tris start to help me again, right when I start to loose my grip.

     "You know what Stiff? I like you." Eric says with a smile. Well I don't like you is what I want to say, but I just look at him. "All the other fights today get a passing score so the rest don't have to fight." I glance at Tris with a sigh of relief, because I really didn't want to beat up my friend, especially after I saw the state Will was in.

Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now