Chapter Twenty-Seven

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     When we go sit down I look at Uriah's plate and it's full of cake. "Uriah, are you going to eat all that by yourself?" I ask.

     "Maybe, unless you want to help?" he says looking at me.

     "Sorry, but I'm on a diet." after I say that Tris comes and sits down across from me.

     "Hey, Will were you guys aloud to have pets?" asks Christina.

     "No." he answers back, calmly.

     "You weren't about have pets? Why not?" She asks slamming her fist on the table.

     "Because they're illogical, what is the point in providing food and shelter fan an animal that just soils your furniture, makes your home smell bad, and ultimately dies?" he says. I have a feeling this argument is going to take forever.

     "The point is..... well, they're fun to have. I had a bulldog named Chunked. One time we left a whole toasted chicken on the counter to cool, and while my mother went to the bathroom, he pulled it down off the counter and ate it, bones and skin and all. We laughed so hard."

     "Yes, that certainly changes my mind. Of course I want to live with an animal that eats all my food and destroys my kitchen. Why don't you just get a dog after initiation if you're feeling that nostalgic?"

     "Because, dogs are sort of ruined for me. After..... you know, after the aptitude test." Everyone exchanges looks after that.

     "You mean... killing the dog, right?" says Will.

     "Yeah, I mean, you guys all had to do that too, right?" I look at Tris and she looks back at me. "You two didn't."

     "Hmm?" says Tris.

     "You're hiding something, you're fidgeting, Tris, and you're biting your lip, Dawn." I just now noticed that, I bite my lip when I'm worried.

     "What?" says Tris.

     "In Candor, we learn to read body language so we know when someone is lying or keeping something from us." says Al.

     Tris scratches the back of her neck. "Oh, well..."

     "See, their it is again." says Christina pointing at Tris.

     "I'll admit, I didn't kill the dog." I say.

     "I didn't kill it either." says Tris.

     "How did you get Dauntless without choosing the knife?" says Will.

     "I didn't say I didn't choose the knife. I had enough common sense to know something was dangerous." I say defending myself.

     "I didn't get Dauntless. I got Abnegation." says Tris.

     "But you chose Dauntless anyway? Why?" says Christina.

     "I didn't get Dauntless either, I got Abnegation." I say.

     "You look like you would have gotten Dauntless." Uriah whispers in my ear. I smile and he chuckles.

     "I chose Dauntless because I didn't fit in with Abnegation. I've always been large, compared to a lot of Abnegation." I say.

     "I told you I chose Dauntless for the food." says Tris.

     "Did you guys know that Tris and Dawn had never had a hamburger before?" says Christina, launching into that story, the whole time Uriah has a weird look on his face.


     When we get done with dinner we walk back to the dorms to see the rankings. All of a sudden Edward runs by pushing Tris against the wall. My natural creation was to stand up for her, since we're the only ones from our old faction. "Hey, Edward." I say grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around. "What was that for?"

     "Do you think of care that I pushed a Stiff, I already got ranked one." he says.

     "That doesn't mean you get to push us around." I say. He glances behind him to Peter and Peter just shakes his head and mouths, sorry dude you're by yourself. He walks up to Tris.
     "I'm sorry." he says, turning around and storming away. When we get to the dorms Four is writing on the board.

     "For those of you who just came in, I'm explaining how the ranks are determined. After the first round of fights, we ranked you according to your skill level. The number of points you earn depends on your skill level and the skill level of the person you beat. You earn more points for improving and for beating someone with a higher skill level. I don't reward praying on the weak. That is cowardice." says Four, looking on Peter's direction. "If you have a high renal you lose points for losing against a low ranked opponent."

     "Stage two of training is weighed more heavily than stage one, because it is more.closely tied to overcoming cowardice. That said, it is hard to rank high at the end of initiation if you ranked low at the beginning of initiation. We will announce the cuts tomorrow, the fact that you are transfers and the Dauntless-born initiates are not will not be taken into consideration. Four of you could be factionless and none of them. Or four of you could be factionless and none of you. Or any combination thereof. That said, here are your ranks." when he says the part about Dauntless-born, he looked directly at me. He moves away from the board and let's everyone look.

Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat