Chapter Twenty-Five

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     "Lynn, what are you doing with a muffin?" I ask, wrapping my arms around Uriah, from behind.

     "I using it to kill Marlene." she laughs, grabbing Marlene in a headlock and putting the muffin up to her throat.

     "No, please Lynn, I'll do anything." Marlene cries, but then burst out laughing.

     "Haha, real funny." I say, pulling Uriah out of the chair he was sitting in.

     "Uriah's actually shooting it off of Marlene's head." Lynn says. I can't help, but laugh at this. Marlene's going to loose a head.

     "Dawn, what rank were you in so far?" Uriah says, turning around and facing me.

     "Why do you want to know?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.

     "Because, I just want to know, you're my girlfriend."

     "What do you think I got?" I ask.

     "Last rank." he says.

     "Fifth." Lynn says, trying not to laugh.

     "I have to go with Uriah." Marlene answers.

     "You guys really have faith in me, don't you?" I say, going along with it.

     "Who are we kidding, you got first, didn't you?" he says, pulling me into a hug. "How could you guys hurt Dawn's feelings? Even past Stiffs have feelings, they may not show it, but they do." he laughs.

     "Don't talk about my old faction like that." I say, pushing him away. He gives me a sad face and I try to hold back from laughing.

     "I'm sorry I, didn't know you were still attached to them." he says.

     "Of course I am, some of my closest friends and my family is there." I say. "But who cares. Let's go do something, also we should find Tris, she deserves a celebration also she got ranked second." I say.

     "She might be in that hallway she likes to go to when she needs time to think." Marlene says. Marlene has stopped giving me looks like she used to, I think she was mad that I started going out with Uriah, but now we're good friends. We hear footsteps that stop when we get to the hallway, so we slow down. When we walk up I see Tris.

     "Tris!" Uriah says, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. "Thought I would find you here." I was going to tell him that Marlene said that, but I chose against it. "Our heard you got ranked second."

     "So you just wanted to congratulate me?" she says.

     "Someone should." Uriah says.

     "Our friends aren't very congratulatory since they got ranked lower than us." I say, pulling her off the ground.

     "So quit moping and come with us. I'm going to shoot a muffin off of Marlene's head." Uriah says, smiling at the end. Tris laughs at the end and walks with us back to Marlene and Lynn. I notice Lynn narrows her eyes at her.

     "Why aren't you out celebrating? You're practically guaranteed a top ten spot if you keep this up." Marlene asks.

     "She's too Dauntless for the other transfers." Uriah laughs. I notice Tris smiling which she doesn't do much of.

     "And too Abnegation to celebrate." Lynn remarks. I turn my head and glare at her and she automatically widens her eyes, realizing what she just said.

Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now