Chapter Twenty-Eight

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     When I look at it, the ranks are:

     1. Dawn

     Wait I'm first? I look at Will and Christina and they're looking back at me smiling. "Congrats, Stiff." says Four, walking my me and slapping my shoulder, when I look he had tucked a note under my jacket, so I pull it out and read it.

     Meet me at my apartment tonight.

     I shove the note in my pocket and look back at the rankings.

     2. Edward

     3. Peter

     4. Will

     5. Christina

     6. Molly

     7. Tris

     8. Drew

     9. Al

     10. Myra

     "Hey, Dawn, come here." says Tris. I walk over to her. "Good job, nobody expects that." she says winking at me. We stare at each other then burst out laughing. "Of course, people expected it, you beat Eric."

     "I know, right?" I say. Will comes up to us and slaps us on the backs.

     "First of all, congrats you two, one and six. Second, Dawn, your back is as hard as a rock." says Will, massaging his hand.

     "It's initiation." I say shrugging my shoulders.

     "You were like that back in Abnegation, too." say Tris. "Also sixth still might not have been good enough."

     "It will be, don't worry. We should celebrate." says Will.

     "Well, let's go then. Come on, Al. You don't know how the Dauntless-borns did. You don't know anything for sure." says Christina.

     "I'm just going to bed." he mumbles, walking back to his bed.

     "Poor Al." I say. "I hope he gets to stay, it'd be pretty cool."


     That night I keep on hearing Tris move around, a lot, so I know she's not asleep. I crawl off the bunk, quietly and kneel down beside her bed. "Tris, are you okay?" I ask.

     "Yeah, just have a headache. Go back to sleep." she answers.

     "Okay." I say crawling back up on the bunk. Not long after I get back up there, I hear a blood curling scream. I jump out of bed and onto the floor and Tris scrambles out of bed and starts walking toward the scream.

     "Turn on the lights." someone tells and the lights turn on. The first thing I see is Edward on the ground with a butter knife in his eye. Tris kneels down beside him.

     "Lie still," Edward thrashes around, after she says that. " I said, lie still, breath."

     "My eye! Take it out! Get it out, get it out of me, get it out!" he screams.

     "You can't do that without a doctor, you could bleed out." I say.

     "Dawn, go get help." says Tris, motioning toward the door. I run down the hall to the only place I know I can get help, Four. When I get to his door, I bang on it.

     "Hey, Dawn." he says, wide awake.

     "No time for that. Edward got stabbed in the eye." I say running off, I soon hear sprinting after me.

     "Let's go to the nurse and get her." he says to me, so I take a b-line toward the infirmary. When we get there I run up to the nurse.

     "Transfer dorms, now." I say darting off, Four following. When we get to the dorms the nurse runs to Edward's side.

     "Transfers get back to sleep and you," he says looking at Tris, "get cleaned up." he says, helping the nurse with Edward. I walk over to my bunk and get ready to jump back up until, "Hey, Dawn, can I talk to you?" It's Four. I jump down and start to walk over. "Come on Stiff, I don't got all day." I run over, out the door, and stop at the chasm, so he can catch up.

     "Congrats on getting ranked first." he says pulling me into a hug. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

     "From you." I answer, pulling away from the hug.


     "I watched you, especially when we were still in Abnegation, so I could learn to protect myself."


     "When you left and after I got that scar, I started standing up for myself." (When I wrote this I thought of that song Buckaroo. Good song, by the way.)

     "That's good. Also, you need to get back to the dorms." he says turning me around and lightly, pushing me toward the dorms. "See ya, tomorrow."

Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now