Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Uriah, how many drinks have you had?" I ask him, wrapping my arms around him just as tris walks up to us.

"A couple. Here Tris, you want this?" He asks her. She just shakes her head.

"Surprise, surprise. Once a Stiff, always a Stiff." Molly says, walking up to Tris.

"Shut up, Molly." I say.

"I read an interesting article today. Something about your guys' dads, and he real reason you all left your old faction." Right after she says that Tris twists around and punches her in the face. Will jumps in and grabs Molly by the collar before she can attack Tris.

"Quit it. Both of you." He says, keeping them from fighting just as Eric climbs onto a box in front of the railing.

"Quiet down, everyone!" I hear what sounds like a gong and them everyone listens to him. "Thank you. As you know, we're heed because Albert, an initiate, jumped into the chasm last night. We do not know why and it would be easy to mourn the loss of him tonight. But we did not choose a life of ease when we became Dauntless. And the truth of it is.... The truth is, Albert is now exploring an unknown, uncertain place. He leaped into vicious waters to get there. Who among us is brave enough to venture into that darkness without knowing what lies beyond it? Albert was not yet one of our members, but we can be assured that he was one of our bravest." Eric finishes and you start hearing people cheering and hollering. Uriah wraps his arms around my back and is screaming with them. "We will celebrate him now, and remember him always. To Albert the Courageous!" Eric yells, raising a dark bottle that someone gave him.

"To Albert!" The crowd echoes. "Albert! Al-bert! Al-bert!" We chant, but I notice Tris walk off.

"Hey, you want to go have some fun?" Uriah whispers. I turn a round to face him. Should I go with him or should I go find Tris.

"I can't, I need to go find Tris. I'll make it up I promise." I say, pecking him on the cheek and running off. I see Four and run up to him. "Hey, have you seen Tris?"

"Yeah, I just talked to her. Give her space, she's not doing to well." He says, quietly. "I need you to help me."

"Help you how?"

"Just follow me." He says, dragging me with him. Soon we get to his apartment.

"Why are we at your apartment?"

"You're gonna help me move my furniture."

"What?! I didn't agree to this."

"Shh. You're loud and you owe me."

"True.... Fine, I'll help you. What are we moving first?"

"The living room furniture." He says, leading me to the couch and we start our job.


Authors Note:

Hey, guys I'm gonna start updating. Yay!!!!😄😄😄😄😄😄

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