Chapter Thirty-Two

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     When I get to the dorms Christina's sitting on my bed. "Hey, Christina. What are you doing?" I ask, looking up at her.

     "Seeing if I like top bunks." she shrugs.

     "Well.. can I please get up on my bed?" She looks at me and nods, scooting over. I jump up onto the bottom bed and jump onto mine. "How did your simulation go?"

     "Apparently I'm afraid of moths." she shrugs.

     "Actually, if you had to face moths in your simulation, it doesn't exactly mean you're afraid of them.... it could be a figurative fear." I say and she looks at me awkwardly, like she's confused. "It means, the fears can stand for something else."

     "Oh, so how did yours go?" Did she really have to ask that.

     "I'm.... afraid of spiders." I kind of lied, I really am afraid of spiders, it's just not the one I faced. I didn't want to tell her the one I actually faced.

     "Really, I guess you don't like Al's tattoo then." Christina laughs.

     "Yeah, I really don't." I say, as Tris walks in, I also notice everyone has gathered around Peter. "Come on, let's go check this out." I say, hopping down and walking over to Will and Tris, Al joins us not long after.

     "The mass exodus of the children of Abnegation leaders cannot be ignored or attributed to coincidence. The recent transfer of Beatrice and Caleb Prior, the children of Andrew Prior and Dawn Eaton, the daughter of Marcus Eaton, calls to question the soundness of Abnegation's values and teachings." Peter says, reading from  a newspaper in his hands. Al puts his hand on my shoulder, I guess I tenses up, I didn't notice though.

     "Why else would the children of such an important man decide that the lifestyle he has set out for them is not an admirable one? Molly Atwood, a fellow Dauntless transfer, suggests a disturbed and abusive upbringing might be to blame. 'I heard Dawn talking in her sleep once,' Molly says. 'Ve was telling her father to stop doing something. I don't know what it was, but it gave her nightmares.' We also believe that this may be the reason of the transfer of Marcus Eaton's son, Tobias Eaton, to Dauntless." Peter finishes.

     "What?" I hear Tris say. Everyone looks at Tris. She glares at Peter. "Give me that." she says, holding out her hands. I'm not fighting about it, it's true that my father was abusive, but I knew for a fact Andrew wasn't.

     "But I'm not done reading. However, perhaps the answer lies not in a morally bereft man, but in the corrupted deals of an entire faction. Perhaps the answer is that we have entrusted our city to a group of proselytizing tyrants who do not know how to lead us out of poverty and into prosperity." Peter says.

     Tris storms after him and tries to grab the paper, but fails, she then stomps on his toes and goes after Molly, but Will grabs her from behind. "That's my father! My father, you coward!" she yells. Will starts to drag her out the door and when they're out Peter turns and smiles at me.

     "And who knew the tough girl from Abnegation had nightmares about her daddy and had a brother here in Dauntless." he smirks. "What was his name...... Tobias?"

    "Don't talk about my family." I say, trying to stay calm.

     "I'll talk about them all I want." he says, stepping closer. "Also, is that the whole reason you came to Dauntless, to see your brother and get away from your dad?" he asks the last part in a baby voice.

     "Don't talk about Tobias and don't talk about my dad." I say, looking my temper, jumping up, grabbing the paper and ripping it to shreds. I turn to Molly. "I'll get you back, that was a complete lie that you told them."

      "So, looks like you've lost your cool." she says, with a scowl.

     "Dawn's more Dauntless than either of you. Dawn, let's go." Al says, turning me around and pulling me with him, Christina on my other side. When we get outside, it looks like Tris just calmed down. I can't believe the Erudite would do this. I mean they are correct about my dad being abusive, but they're wrong about my old faction, the Abnegation in general are the nicest people I know.

     "It's my time to get tattooed, you want to come with us?" Christina asks. Al looks at me and notices I'm mad.

     "You should come and calm down." he whispers, in my ear.

     "Okay." I answer. Christina jumps on Al's back and he gives her a piggyback ride. I walk with Tris and Will on either side of me. When we get to the tattoo parlor Christina begs Tris to get a tattoo with her.

     "Hey, Dawn, you should get a tattoo too." Christina says.

     "Fine, I'll get the Dauntless seal too." I say, walking with them.

     "Then we can get a new outfit for all of us." she says, excitedly.

     "Just so you know, I'm getting my own outfit. In other words, you're not choosing it." I say, pointing at her. She puts her hands up in surrender. "Nice you see it my way." I laugh, sitting in the chair to get my tattoo. It's Tori this time.

     "Hey, what do you want?" she asks.

     "Can I have a Dauntless seal, on my other shoulder?" I ask, kindly. I calming down now.

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