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-------3rd Person-------
"Four, where's Dawn?" Tris says, walking up to Four on the path.
"I don't know she left my apartment last night, going back to the dorms. Didn't she come back?"
"No, maybe we should find Uriah. He might know." She says, pulling Four with her to find Uriah. When they find him he's crying. "Uriah, what's wrong?"
"You guys didn't hear about it did you?" He asks, suddenly looking sorrily at Four.
"What are you talking about?" Four asks.
"They found Dawn dead in the pit this morning, Four." Uriah sobs.
"What? She can't be dead. She's all I have left." Four cries. Tris pulls him into a hug.
"It's okay, Four." She says.
"No, it's not okay, you don't know what it's like losing the only family you have left after already loosing them once." He yells, jerking away.
"No, I don't, but I'll help you through it, but we have to tell the rest of the group." She says.
----------after they tell everyone----
Let's just say they all didn't take it well, except of course Peter and Molly, but Christina and Will were the once that took it hard. Four went back to his apartment and took his time to think about it and Tris went to talk to Tori. Tori told Tris that she believed that Dawn was killed by the Erudite and soon when everything fell apart and Tris was attacking Jeanine, she found that it was true.

--------The End------

Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now