Chapter Five

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     When he opens the double doors there is an underground cavern, uneven rock walls rise above my head, built in the walls are what looks like shops, and there narrow paths with no railing to keep people from falling. "If you follow me I'll show you the chasm." Says Tobias Automatically I wonder what the chasm is, because it sounds dangerous. We follow him to an area that looks like a waterfall and it has a dangerous fall with sharp rocks at the bottom.

     "The chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy!" Tobias yells over the roaring of the water. "A Frederick jump off this ledge will end your life. It has happened before and it will happen again. You've been warned." Who is stupid enough to jump into that. After that we follow him into what seems like a dining hall. When we walk in all the Dauntless in there stand and applaud, stamp their feet, and shout and I smile for once in my life time.

     I look for an empty seat and find one next to Tobias and go sit beside him. "Hey." says Tris the other Abnegation that came here with me.

     "Hey." I answer back. Tris starts looking at the food weirdly and I realize it's beef, a rare thing to eat in Abnegation. "It's beef." says Tobias. I've had it once before, but that was a long time ago. "Put this on it." Tobias says handing us both a small bowl of ketchup.

     "You've never had a hamburger before?" asked Christina.

     "No, is that what it's called?" says Tris. Most of these people don't know that Abnegation eats plain food.

     "Stiffs eat plain food." states Tobias.

     "Why?" asked Christina.

      "It's a sign of extravagance and that's a sign off selfishness."I answer.

     "No wonder you left." Christina smirks.

     "Yeah, it was just because of the food." states Tris rolling her eyes. I notice Tobias' mouth twitch, a sign that it was funny to him.

     "Who's that?" Christina says looking at a Dauntless with a lot of face piercings, long dark greasy hair, and cold eyes. tHis name's Eric, he's a Dauntless leader." announces Tobias, I don't how but I notice a bit of anger in his voice, but leave his sister to be the only one to notice that. "Seriously, but he's to young." argues Christina. "Age doesn't matter here." replies Tobias.

     I notice Eric walking toward our table and he sits right beside me. "Great." I mumble so quiet nobody hears. "Well aren't you going to introduce me?" asked Eric.

     "This is Christina, Tris, and Dawn." replies Tobias.

     "Ooh, two Stiffs." he says smirking at me and Tris. "We'll see how long you two last." Tris has an agitated look on her face and notice that that made her mad, so I'm the one who stands up to him.

     "What makes you think we won't last?" I say angrily.

     "Look Stiff don't test me or things will happen." he says.

     "Eric just leave her alone the good thing is she's standing up for herself even though your a leader." Tobias says standing up for me.

     "Look at Four standing up for a brave Stiff, fine I'll leave her alone. So what have you been doing lately, Four?" asks Eric. This worries me for some reason.

     "Nothing really." answers Four shrugging his shoulders. I can tell easily that they aren't that good of friends.

     "Max tells me he keeps trying to meet with you, and you don't show up. He requested that I find out what's going on with you." said Eric. I can tell it's agitating Tobias.

     "Tell him that I am satisfied with the position I currently hold." says Tobias with a little bit of anger in his voice.

     "So he wants to give you a job."

     "So it seems."

     "And you aren't interested?"

     "I haven't been interested for two years." Max has been wanting to give him a job since he became a Dauntless.

     "Well, let's hope he gets the point, then." says Eric. Then he claps Tobias on the shoulder a bit hard and gets up.

     "Are you two........friends?" asks Tris.

     "We were in the same initiate class, he was a transfer from Erudite." announces Tobias.

     "We're you a transfer too?" asked Tris. I'm guessing she can't hold in her curiosity. I knew the truth, but I don't think he wants people to know.

Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now