Chapter Twenty-Two

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     We all go sit on the carousel. Me and Uriah have become pretty good friends. Me and him sit behind Christina, beside the flag. "Is it true that you can win a fight without getting hurt?" Uriah asks.

     "It's not completely true, I got a bruise on my cheek from Molly, I have to admit she was tough, me and her are almost the same size." I answer.

     "That's still really good. I could never do that good." he answers. I hear somebody laugh.

     "I don't believe a Stiff can win a fight that easily." says Marlene.

     "Believe me she can I've seen it, she broke a girls jaw." says Christina backing me up.

     "Gotta believe a Condor, Marlene." says Uriah.

     "True that, Uriah. Why are you so friendly with the Transfers?" asks the older Dauntless.

     "Because they're nicer than you, sometimes." he answers giving me a funny look.

     "I can be nice." says Marlene. Uriah just cracks up.

     "Okay this has been fun, but has anybody seen Tris or Four." I ask. Right as I say that the Ferris wheel turns on and Four and Tris walk up.

     "Where'd the others go?" asks Four.

     "Did you guys turn on the wheel?" the older Dauntless asks. "What the shell are you thinking? You might as well have just shouted 'Here we are! Come and get us!' If I lose again this year, the same will be unbearable. Three years in a row."

     "The wheel doesn't matter. We know where that are." says Four.

     "We?" asks Christina.

     "Yes, while the rest of you were twiddling your thumbs, Tris climbed the Ferris wheel to look for the other team." Four went with her? Four has a fear of heights though.

     "What do we do now, then?" asks another Dauntless-born initiate. Four looks at Tris, so the rest look at her and she tenses up.

     "Split in half, four of us go to the right side of the pier, Four to the left. The other team is in the park at the end of the pier, so the group on the right will charge as the group on the left sneaks behind the other team to get the flag." says Tris.

     "Sounds good. Let's get this night over with shall we?" says the older Dauntless.

     "Okay, I'll lead the ones on the right and..... Dawn you lead the ones on the left. Dawn you get Uriah, Tris, and Christina." says Four.

     "Why does the transfer get to lead?" asks the other Dauntless-born.

     "Because I think she'll be good at leading them, that's why." says Four. "Now split." As he says that we dart in opposite directions and run until we get to the park. Tris points at the flag and we all nod. I start to sneak and lead the way towards the flag. I hear yells and I know the other part of the team has charged. Uriah shoots the last guard, who throws a tantrum. I let Christina and Tris go get the flag. Christina grabs the flag and yell.

     Our team starts cheering and I do too. I suddenly feel somebody grab my shoulder and spin me around. Next thing I know somebody's lips smack into mine, the person pulls away and it's Uriah? I smile and say, "Hello."

     "The truth is I really like and I just couldn't help myself." Uriah says sadly.

     "It's okay I like you too." I say while hugging him. He wraps his arms around me and I see Four looking at me with a sad face. Why was he said even though he was trying to help me earlier? Wait I know he's sad I'm growing up.

Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now