Chapter Three

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     I get up, get ready for the Choosing Ceremony, and walk there myself knowing Marcus won't come. On the way there I hope my brother remembered and shows up, but I don't blame him if he doesn't I wouldn't want to see the face that abused me when I was younger either. When I get their I get in line and wait for it to start.

     They call the first name and I zone out till I hear my name called, so walk up to the stage grab the knife Marcus hands me, cut part of my palm, automatically let the blood drip onto the burning coals for Dauntless, and get in the Dauntless line smiling to see the look on Marcus' face. After a while they call an Abnegation up and she also chooses Dauntless and her brother chose Erudite I know them because of their father, he works with my dad.

     When the last person is called the initiates walk in their lines to their transportation. Mine is jumping onto a moving train and jumping off. When we get to the train station the Dauntless members jump on first then they let us on I've seen them do this many of times, so I kind of know how to do it, I run, jump.and grab hold.of the handles. I sit down and wait for us to get to the ace we get off at the Dauntless compound.

When they get to the compound

     I stand up with the great of the people on the train and notice them jumping onto a roof. I'm king of scared to jump off, but I am determined to see my brother again so I get ready to jump and jump, surprisingly I land on my feet. Suddenly a guy yells trying to get our attention. "Listen up! My name's Max! I am one of the leaders or your new faction. Several stories below us is the members' entrance to our compound. If you can't muster the will to jump off, you don't belong here. Our initiates have the privilege of going first." Max says. of course leave the new guys to jump off first.

     There's no movement until a girl named Beatrice from Abnegation walks up, takes her jacket off, and throws it at a Condor boy and everybody makes catcalls and shouts. She then hesitates for awhile and jumps. We watch as she goes through the whole and I think something catches her at the bottom. I walk up next to jump off and a the Condor boy yells, "Ooh, another Stiff trying to be tough." I took that offensive, so I turn around, give him the evil eye, and jump off.

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