Chapter Eleven

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     We are in a huge room, with a wood floor with a large circle painted in the middle. I notice a chalkboard on the left wall and our names are in alphabetical order on it. We go and line up behind black punching bags and look at Four who's in the middle. "As I said this morning, next you will learn how to fight. The purpose of this is to prepare reps e you to act; to prepare your body to respond to threats and challenges-which you will need, if you intend to survive life as a Dauntless." announces Four. I'm happy I was placed beside Christina, but on my other side was Drew. "We will go over technique today, and tomorrow you will start to fight each other. So I recommend that you pay attention. Those who don't learn fast will get hurt."

     I watch Four as he demonstrates different punches and kicks. I notice that I catch on to what he does and how he moves easily, I'm guessing it's because I grew up with him around me and I'm used to how he is. We start practicing and Four starts walking behind us, when he gets behind me I keep practicing and he suddenly speaks and it startled me. "Good job Stiff. I thinks about time I completely learn your name."

     "My name's Dawn." I answer, even though he already knew I think he was just playing it off like he didn't.

     "Nice name. Your doing good you just need to learn to use your size to your advantage. In response I just nod my head.


     Before we leave the room Christina pulls me to the side. "What was that thing between you and Four about?"

     "I don't know. Maybe he just likes me." I answer.

     "Maybe he likes you more than you think." Christina says elbowing me.

     "No, eww. He's two years older than me and he's" That was just a good save. That thought is in my mind now. *mind barf*.

     "Oook. Let's go catch up with Tris." she says running off. That was close, I need to talk to Four about this he's making it obvious that we are close. I start running after Christina. She jabs Tris in the side. "I'm surprised he didn't break you in half. He scares the hell out of me. It's that quite voice he uses." I think about his voice, the voice that used to talk me to sleep those nights when he lived with us. I mean I understand why they would be scared of him, he seems all mean and all, but when you get to know him he's really nice.

     "Yeah he's..... definitely intimidating." Tris says.

     "He's not that bad guys, I bet he's just like a kid if you get o. his good side." I say.

     "Easy for you to say, he already likes you." Tris argues. I just roll my eyes and keep on walking.

     "Hey, Dawn come over here!" I hear Four's voice say.

     "Well lookey who's calling you over to him." Christina says, taunting me.

     "I'm gonna see what this "monster" wants." I say using finger quotes. I walk towards Four.


Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now