Chapter Nineteen

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     "You did a good job Dawn." says Four.


     "How did you know how to break a jaw?"

     "I honestly didn't. Why I'm here I m going to check on Will."

     "Why? He's fine."

     "He's a friend. Anyways I said that I would check on him."

     "I'll lit you sign her in. I don't trust Eric since yesterday's incident."

     "Tell Tris I'm rooting for her."


     As I sign Myra in I have a hard time holding her, considering I'm still sore from the chasm thing. I go lie her down and go to see Will. "Hey Will."

     "Hey Dawn. Can I talk to you?"

     "Yeah, what bout."

     "I know you and Four are siblings."

     "How?" Wait. He heard Four and I talking. Dang it. "You don't have to answer that, I figured it out. Please don't tell anybody."

     "I won't, your secret is safe with me. Why aren't you in the training room?"

     "Well I kind of broke Myra jaw so I had to bring her here."

     "Oh. I heard that you stood up for Christina."

     "Yeah I wasn't about to let her fall to her death."

     "You're Abnegation is showing, but that's good. Now can I tell you a secret? Like trading secrets?"

     "Yeah. Tell me buddy."

     "You have to swear not to tell anybody." I just put my hand up to say I swear. "Ok. IlikeChristina." he says the last part fast, but I know what he says.

     "Omg. That's good, you guys are perfect for each other."

     "Thanks I needed to tell somebody."

     "Why didn't you tell Christy?"

     "I'm kind of nervous to."

     "I'm s-" I start to say, but I'm interrupted by somebody barging in with Tris. "I'll be back."

     "Hey Dawn." says Al.

     "What happened?" I ask.

     "What does it look like Stiff, Peter beat the crap out of her." says Four. I feel like crying, because Four's never yelled at me like that.

     "Well I'm sorry for being worried for my friend." I yell back at Four.

      "Woah, calm down Stiff." he says with a smirk. I just huff and help Al with Tris. "I'm sorry Dawn."

     "It's okay Four."

     "No I shouldn't have been like that."

     "Four it's okay just be quite."

     "Will your needed in the training room, your fighting Christina." says Al.

     "Okay." says Will. This is going to hurt him.

     "I'll bring Christina and Will back when their done." says Four.

     "Thanks." I say.


     I see Christina walk in, with a black eye. I can't help but laugh. "Shut up Dawn." says Christina.

     "I'm sorry can't help it, you lost to Will, that's hilarious." I see moving on the bed and see Tris open her eyes.

     "What happened to your face?" she asks Christina. I just laugh.

     "Look who's talking. Should I send Dawn to get you an eye patch?" She asks.

     "Well I already know what happened to my face, I was there. Kind of."

     "Did you just make a joke, Tris? We should get you on painkillers more often if your going to start cracking jokes. Oh- and to answer your question I beat her up." says Will. Then and there I just burst out laughing.

     "Shut up Dawn." says Christina, she throws her ice pack at me, I hit it with my hand.

     "Deflection!" I say.

     "Man." Christina says snapping.

     "I can't believe you couldn't beat Will" says Al.

     "What? He's good. Plus, I think I finally figured out how not to lose. I just need to stop people from punching me in the jaw."

     "You know what, you'd think you would have figured that out already. Now I know why you aren't Erudite. Not to bright are you?" Will says as he winks at her. I wish he would just ask her out already.

     "You feeling alright, Tris?" asks Al.

     "Yeah I just wish I could stay here forever so I don't have to see Peter again."

     "Don't worry about Peter. He'll at least get beat up by Edward, who's been studying hand-to-hand combat since we were ten." says Will.

     "Or he could get beat up by me, if he doesn't stop his crap." I say.

     "Good, I think we're missing dinner. You want to stay here Tris?" asks Christina.

     "I'm fine." says Tris, shaking her head.

     "I just want to tell you that you missed Eric's announcement. We're going on a field trip tomorrow, to the fence, to learn about Dauntless jobs. We have to be at the trains by eight fifteen." says Al.

     "Thanks." I say as I walk to catch up with Christina.

Four's Sister (A Divergent Fan-Fic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now