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Chapter 3


Four stands next to the guy who helped me out of the net.

"Initiates! I am Eric. I am another instructor of yours. Dauntless borns go with Lauren" he says gesturing over to a woman in a dark red tank top and black bottoms. "Transfers stay with me and...Four" he sounds almost disgusted to say Fours name.

"Follow us." Four tells us. All us transfers follow him. I am the last one of the transfers. Besides Eric who walks a couple of feet away from me. We are lead through a dark tunnel until we meet the edge. There is no railing to keep us from falling over.

"This is the Pit. The center of Dauntless." Eric says. He looks quite young to be a Dauntless leader. Four keeps walking and we all follow. He leads us to a long narrow room with beds in it. 15. Thats when I realize thats the total number of transfers. Great, I have to share a room with 16-year-old boys. Just fantastic. These are moments I can tell I do not belong with Amity. Any other Amity would be delighted to share a room with other people since it would mean making friends. Me, I hate it. I want privacy.

"This is where you will be staying during initiation. Dauntless-borns have a whole different room." Eric states.

"You have 5 minutes to get dressed and meet us back at the training room." Four says. Him and Eric both leave but do not walk near eachother.


We all get to the training room and are lead back up to the roof. Eric and Four distribute guns to each of us. Eric presses the gun to my chest and I take it in my hands. The tiniest smile tugs at the corners of his mouth, but soon fades when he realizes hes doing it.

"Alright, now hold your gun with your feet spread apart about a foot. One finger over the trigger, one hand holding this spot." Four points to the spot where you have to reload. He demonstrates how to shoot and hits it in the center of the target. Soon after, all of us are trying the same. It takes me a while to actually hit the target.

After some time, I finally hit the center of the target and keep doing so. I could of never imagined myself holding a gun when I was in Amity. It feels so... unnatural. Eventually we are told we can stop and we all go to the cafeteria. I sit alone at the end of a table and eat in silence. Everyone else around me laughs and talks. Im alone as always. I dont view this as being an outcast. Its easier not to have friends because if they dont make it I would be sad. And I certainly do not want to be sad while Im here at Dauntless. I finish before everyone and go back to the dormitory. Nobody else comes into the room so I am alone and curled up in my bed. It takes me a long time to fall asleep, espicially since everyone comes in, but I do. And its the best part of my day.

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