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Chapter 33


I walk out of the room and regroup with Laura and Ian. Morgan is on her way into the room. I sigh deeply.

"I hope she does good." I say to Laura and Ian. Ian holds her tightly and she smiles.

"I know she'll do good." Laura says happily.

They love eachother a lot. Its like they've been together for a while now. Have they? I dismiss the thought and refuse to watch Morgans fears.I havent watched anyones fears and I dont intend to. I walk out of the

cafeteria and close the doors. My breathing becomes heavy and I lean back against the wall. Soon I feel moisture on my cheeks. I am crying and I cant stop.

The tears stream down my face and I just let it all out. It feels good to cry. To release all of my emotions. I feel stupid, and overly emotional but I quite frankly dont care. After a while of this, I wipe my tears and go back inside. Im just in time because now the names are on the board.

1. ANGELICA 3:45

2.MARK 7:30

3.LAUREN 8:19

4.TROY 8:30

5.AMBER 8:45

6.IAN 9:20

7.MORGAN 9:37

8.CHRIS 9:48

9.JAMES 9:50


11.ZOE 10:01

12.SCOTT 10:25

13.STEPHANIE 10:45

14.DEAN 10:59

15.CARRIE 11:15

My eyes go wide with shock. Im first? Im first! There are many cheers and screams, boos and sobs. Surprisingly, I jump up and down cheering. My fists pump the air and I go kind of insane. I've never felt joy like this in my life. I can be with Eric now. I have friends who all made it. My life is finally complete.

A pair of arms wrap around my waist and I shriek. I know by now that they are Erics. He spins me around, sets me down, turns me around, and kisses me. I assume he doesnt care if anyones watching. Nobody is so I kiss back. His lips on mine feel familiar and comforting. I pull back and put my palms on his chest.

"We can be together now." I say happily.

"Thank God." he smirks and a hand lays on my shoulder. I turn around and see Morgan. I scream and hug her.

"WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT!" we both scream.

"Hey dont forget about me." Ian says. Morgan lets go and I hug Ian.

"You did AMAZING!" I say cheerily.


"Hey! Get off my boyfriend!" I hear a voice say teasingly. I let go of Ian, run up to Lauren, and hold her arms. We both jump up and down and scream and cheer. We shriek inaudibly and soon come to a stop when Ian tells us to get cake.

"Hold on a sec." I say. They nod and I walk up to Eric. I press my lips to his and hold the back of his neck. His arms lift me up so I dont have to stand on my tiptoes and I wrap my legs around him. All the while we never stop kissing. I pull back and lean my forehead to his.

"I love you so much Eric." I whisper.

"I cant even describe how much I love you." he says back. I smile and he sets me down so I can eat cake with my friends.

They all stand, mouths gaping open.

"Thats been going on for a while." I say smirking.


"Eric my boyfriend."

"You guys are a wierd couple." Ian says.

"We're Dauntless."

dauntless : divergent ericTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon