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Chapter 20


Im stuck ontop of a building. The edges of the building are slowly crumbling. I watch them fall and there is no ending to the pavement. I back up and almost fall off the luilding. Now the building is crumbling faster. I start to panic and scream, but then I remember Im supposed to keep my heart rate down. I take a deep breath and run to the end of the building and jump off. As Im suspended in midair, the scene changes.

Bees. It starts off as one. Just hovering near my toes. I've always been afraid o bees ever since I was little. Sometimes I would go in the field with my mom and help out. They would always sting me. I try to move. But Im wearing no shoes and I am basically stuck to the ground. Everytime I try to move more bees come. Eventually a whole swarm of bees attack my feet. They sting all over. I scream in pain but still remain still, letting them sting. After a few more stings I am in the next scenario.

Four is leading me to the room where the fear landscapes are.

"Sit." he says to me. I stad frozen in fear of the chair.

"Sit." he says more demandingly this time. I shake my head.

"No." I can barely even form those words. Four lunges at me and wrestles me to the groud. All the while Im screaming. He grabs me by the arms and yanks me up.

"NO! STOP! PLEASE I-," I remind myself to keep my heart rate down. I stop thrashing and sit in the chair. He injects me with the serum and then we are in a new fear.

Its Mark. I have to beat him again. Even though what him and the other three did, I still dont like hurting people for no reason. But this time hes on the ground. Bleeding out of his nose and mouth. I hear Four and Eric both shout:

"FINISH HIM!" they sound happy. They are enjoying this. I feel as though Im going to throw up at their words. I try to run away but my mother guides me back to Mark. I sigh and go over to Mark.

"Please. No dont. You dont have to..." he whispers. I cry but do what I have to do. I snap his neck. Another fear now.

Im being dragged off my bunk bed by my hair. I quickly recognize this. All I have to do is let them beat me up. I dont struggle, but everything that night happens. I lay there and pretend to be unconscious. They leave and whisper amongst eachother and its a new fear.

My mom stands before me, tied up. There is a gun in my hand.

"Shoot her." a voice says. It sounds like Fours.

"Look, I know that there are other fears, but I am not doing this. I'll stay here all day if I have to." I yell at where I think the voice is coming from.

"Please just do it. Im asking you. Do this for me. Without you, theres no need for me to keep going." she says smiling.

"No." I whisper as I start to cry.

"Do it!" my mom yells.

"I love you mom." I say. If I hear her speak again, I might not be able to shoot her. I raise the gun and fire.

"We need to kill you." faceless men surround me.

"What? No! Why?"

"We need to kill you." they say moving in closer. I shrug my shoulders. They know I am accepting so only one comes forward. When he comes I knee him in the stomach. One comes from behind me so I pivot and knee him in the center of his face. But then they all come in at the same time. Two grab both my arms and one shoots me. Next fear.

Its the end of Dauntless training. The rankings are being posted. Ambers name is first. Marks second. Zoe third. Troy fourth. A guy named Christopher comes in fifth. Another guy named Derek comes in sixth. It keeps going and going until Im last. Im number 17. But you have to be ten or higher to make it. So Im not in Dauntless. All of this for nothing. I growl and lunge at Eric. My hands find their way around his throat.

"How could you!" I yell in rage, squeezing tighter. A man takes me from behind and throws me out the doors of Dauntless. The factionless crowd together and come around me.

"Your with us." they all say in unison and drag me away. I scream but soon let them take me.

Im where I was the night I was taken by the four other initiates. But instead of Troy bending down, its Eric.

"You know, I like you better when you cant help yourself." he grins evilly.

"What?" I say in a raspy voice.

"You'll find out." he says. His hands find the hem of my shirt. His hands are ice cold as they travel up more and more. Then he touches me.

"Stop." I say. He laughs at this.

"Stop!" I say again. He takes his hand out from under my shirt and then his fingers unbotton my pants.

My eyes go wide in fear.

"Stop!" I scream now. He laughs and then I let him take them off. Right before he can do anything more to me, the simulation ends. I jump out of the chair and leave the room crying. I run back to the dormitory and do what I used to do. Curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep.

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