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Chapter 8


I sit down at a table by myself as always. I enjoy my cake but carefully because of my new piercing. Since its so difficult, I decide not to eat. Then someone sits down across from me.

"Hello." Four says.

"Umm hi." I say back. Im confused why is he sitting with me?

"Why do you always sit by yourself?" he asks.

"I guess no one wants anything to do with an Amity."

"Well, if you ever get tired of sitting alone, you can sit with me. And I dont mean that as anything special." he says as he gets up and walks away. I get up too, and head for the dormitory. Why am I always here so early? I climb up onto my bed and fall asleep.


I wake up happy and in a good mood. Today is visiting day. I get up and dress in a skirt that goes down to my knees. Its kind of figure hugging so I dont like it, but its the only fancy thing I have. I put on just a black long-sleeve v-neck. I put on some eyeliner and wear just plain black flats. I leave down my hair today. I dont have to do anything to it because its naturally wavy. All of us pour out into the Pit and meet with our families. I dont see my mom anywhere. But then I see my moms friend, Janet. She walks over to me, looking solemn.

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

"Your mother, she died." Janet says. I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. Janet hugs me but I still remain stiff. She sniffs and walks away, leaving me here. A tear slips from my eye and soon more come. I make my way to the Chasm and look over the rail, now full on crying. I hear footsteps behind me, but I keep crying anyways. The steps keep coming until someone is standing next to me.

"Are you ok?" they ask. I try to smile and nod. But I cant. I end up shaking my head, and cry even more.

An arm hesitantly pats my back as if to say 'its ok'. I wipe my tears and rush off to the dormitory. I look back and see it was Eric. What? When I get to the dormitory, I climb onto my bed, curl up, hug my pillow, and sob. I should have never left my mom. I should have stayed in Amity with her. I could've been with her before she died. But instead I chose to come here. Now Im all alone with no one left. Im by myself. The door opens and a voice calls my name.

"Angelica, are you ok?" Eric asks.

"Go away. All you are going to do yell at me for being weak and crying because my mom is dead. And then you're going to use that against me. You're just gonna use this to bully me or something. So please just go. I dont want to deal with your crap right now." Im kind of surprised at myself for saying that to him.

"Im not here to be mean. But I'll go if you want me to. Do you?" he asks. I dont say anything. I dont know if I want him to stay or go.

"Well you didnt say anything so I'm staying." he says. He walks over to my bed, climbs up, and sits at my feet.

"Why are you being nice. What do you want from me?" I ask.

"Wow, you really dont think I can be nice." he says.

"Im sorry. Its just, you're so mean in training to everyone else, you like watching us get knocked out, so Im always holding my breath waiting for you to do something to me."

"Wow." thats all he says. I sit myself up and I hug him. It takes me a minute to realize that Im doing it.

"Im sorry. I guess Im the mean one. I keep judging you." I say. I let go and put my head back in the pillow. I cry more and long for my mother. I wish she was here. If she was here, would she tell me to stay away from Eric? He seems nice when he wants to be, but other times...

"Look, Im sorry about your mom. If it makes you feel better, my mom died right before the Choosing Ceremony. She wasnt here to see my choice." he sighs. I feel like Im playing with fire right now. Hes dangerous, I can tell. But its something about him. Am I the only one who gets to see this side of him?

He sits me up and wraps his arms around me.

"Its ok." he says. I bury my head in his neck and cry. My arms find their way around him and I can feel his muscles expand and contract everytime he breaths. I sit there and weep and weep until I fall asleep.

dauntless : divergent ericOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora