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Chapter 30


My dreams are filled with terror. This wasnt the good night's sleep I was hoping for.

Eric is standing on the edge of a building asking me to join him.

"And do what?" I ask him.

"Im doing this for you." he says sounding more like a robot than himself.

"Doing what?" I ask. He looks back at me and jumps. He jumps off the building. To his death. He jumps. I scream for him but screaming for him wont do me any good. But then he appears next to me, back to his normal self.

"Hey." he says grinning.

"But you... I saw..." I say not able to finish my scentence. He laughs but blood gurgles from his mouth. He gasps for air and I see a knife handle bulge out of his stomach. I look down and see my fingers curled around it. Another scream releases from my throat as I realize that I did this. Why? No I couldnt have done this to him.

I wake up screaming, crying, and hoping it wasnt real. He sits up beside me and holds me tight.

"Whats wrong?" he asks. I dont answer. He kisses my hair and strokes my back, resting his chin on my head. I cry hard into him. Why have I been so emotional lately? I cry even harder and I drift into a state between sleep and consciousness.


His hands are cold as he takes mine in his. This is how I wake up. I smile at him but he looks at me with worried eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you ok? Last night you..."

"Yeah." I say quickly. I dont want to talk about this anymore. I get up slowly and prepare myself for the tests. Eric is already ready, waiting for me. I get my clothes out and switch my sleep clotes for these clothes. I walk over to Eric and lay my head on his chest. In return he wraps his arms around me. I snake may arms around his waist, feeling his muscles. He rests his chin on my head, kind of like last night. I feel his chest expand and contract from breathing and it steadies me. We stand like this for a long time enjoying eachothers presences. I look up at him and he looks down at me.

"I love you." I say quietly.

"I love you too." he says. I stand on my tiptoes and bring his lips to mine. They calm me and he holds my waist. He pulls back.

"I wish we could stay like this forever, but we have to go." he says. I take his hand in mine and we walk out the door together. People pour out of their apartments and he lets go of my hand. I straighten myself and walk with my head high to the room that will decide the rest of my life. With or without Dauntless. With or without Eric.

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