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Chapter 32


Ians fears were quite odd. During them, he flinched and squirmed many times.

Ian was strapped to a table, unable to move. Someone came in and placed a single bug on him. He bit his lip in fear. The man continued to dump more and more of them on him. Ian screamed louder each time. He finally gave in and let the man keep on doing it, and soon that fear is over. I turn and walk away in pain, I should not be watching this. Some people get bored of his fears and get food. These people are the people who have already passed Dauntless initiation. After a few minutes, Ian is done. I look back and see Laura and Ian hugging eachother, while Morgan watches in disgust.

Thats when I hear my name on the speaker. Its my turn. I take a deep breath and head to the room.


Its a lot like the regular fear landscape room. But theres just a chair in the middle of the circular room. There arent many people inside. I sit in the chair and Four holds the needle.

"It'll be alright." he says very monotone.

"Yeah." I say swallowing hard. He comes closer and puts the needle in my neck. It takes longer than usual but eventually I am completely under the serum's control.


Im on the building. Its crumbling. I've seen this so many times, it doesnt scare me as much anymore. Of course a little fear bubbles up inside me but its not as bad. I take a deep breath and start to run. I jump off and smile while in mid air.

Now the bees. They come at me from all different directions. Stinging repeatedly. It doesnt hurt. It doesnt hurt. Oddly, it stops hurting and the bees vanish. They never just disappeared into mid air like that before. I shake my head and the fear changes.

This one is different from the others. It was never here before. Im in the dark. I have to keep going. I feel things brush against my legs and I shiver. Screams and wails surround. I wish there was light. I think to myself. I tun around and head the other way. A little speck of light grows bigger the more I go towards it. The screams and wails die down and Im in the next one.

Its Mark. Hes on the ground, bleeding out of his mouth, nose, and theres a huge line above his eyebrow, blood flowing out of it. I shake my head.

"FINISH HIM!" Eric an Four yell in unison. They sound excited and they watch intensley. I walk over to Mark, bend down, and sigh. A tear escapes from my eye.

"No please. You dont have to do this. Please. Im sorry. I wish I never did that to you." he whispers. I shake my head and quickly snap his neck.

My mom now stands before me, tied to a post. Theres a gun in my hand.

"Shoot her." Fours voice commands. Its just a simulation. I tell myself. I take the gun and shoot her.

Now Im on my bed. Im woken up by Mark dragging me off my bed by my hair. I fall to the ground with a thump and blood trickles out of my nose. I dont struggle at all and they all start to beat me. After a while of me not doing anything, they get bored and leave.

A group of faceless men surroud me.

"We have to kill you." they say in unison. I say nothing and I do nothing.

"We need to kill you." they say again. They close in and grab me by my arms, holding me so I cant get away. One takes a knife and slowly drags it across my stomach. I do what Eric does. Take deep breaths and will my terror into submission and logical thinking. Whats the most logical thing to do? I ask myself. The most logical thing to do would be to let them kill me. It would take less time and then I could rank higher. So I stand there and let them hack away.

Now Im slumped on the ground and Eric kneels before me. He caresses my cheek.

"I like you better when you're like this." he says smirking wickedly. I remember this. His hands slide up my shirt and reach higher and higher, until they reach my chest. I dont fight back. I dont say anything. I just let it happen. He rolls his eyes and then we are on to the next fear.

My mom and Eric stand before me.

"You have to pick one of them." Janet says. She hands me a gun. Moms already dead. Shoot her. I say to myself. I raise the gun and aim it at my mom. Theres a loud bang, and my mom is now slumped over on the ground.

I open my eyes and sit up from the chair. No matter if I rank ten or higher, or ten or lower, initiation is now over.

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