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Chapter 7


"Wake up! You have 5 minutes to meet us in the training room." Eric yells. I groan and get up. I wait for him to leave so I can get dressed. Once Im ready I follow the others to the training room.

"Today I will be teaching you how to throw knives." Four says. He demonstrates and hits the center of the target perfectly. The knife sticks out and many peopke gape at his skill. We all stumble for knives and start throwing. Only a few people have hit the target so far. Grace, a girl from Candor named April, and a boy from Erudite named Scott. Someone comes up from behind me.

"You're doing it wrong." he says. Surprisingly its Four. He positions my arm so its right.

"There. Now throw." he says. He steps back and I throw the knife. It hits a few inches away from the center of the target. He walks away and I smile. I hit the target better than the others so far. I keep doing this for a while. I see a few people glaring at me, but I say nothing. I disregard them and continue throwing. I actually kind of enjoy this.

"Alright! We are all done for today. You may leave now." Four says. I leave and then think of something. What would I look like with a piercing?I ponder the thought, going back and forth. Yes, no, yes, no. I decide to get something pierced. I quietly head to the piercing place.

"I'd like a piercing." I say.

"Take a seat." the man tells me. He has a few tattoos and a nose piercing.

"What do you want done?" he asks.

"My lip." I say. He rolls his eyes slightly and walks away.He returns with a needle to pierce me with.

"This might hurt. Hold still." he says. He positions the needle over my lip and a sharp pain shoots through it.

"All done." he says smiling. I get out of the seat and look in the mirror. It looks cool. Its small and black. Then I notice my hair. It still remains pink and purple, as it will for a very long time. I love it. I blink a few times and leave the piercing place. I leave feeling different. Like I might actually belong in Dauntless. I smile at the thought and head to the cafeteria to eat some dinner.

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