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Chapter 17


I see me being taken away by strangers. They drag me away and my fingertips brush Erics'. This is his fear. Me being kidnapped. I look over at him and grab ahold of his bicep. He lunges at the me who is being taken away. I watch as he tries to get me back but soon he is on the ground being held down by a few men. They hold the other version of me infront of him and they shoot her. Now the scenario changes.

We are in the ocean in the middle of the ocean. He thrashes in the water as seaweed pulls him down. He is drowning. He lets hinself drown and that fear is done.

The next one is the Choosing Ceremony. He drops the blood in the Dauntless bowl and he searches for his mother in the crowd. She is not there. A woman in Dauntless holds his mom by the throat. She has a knife in her hand. His mother screams but is soon silenced by her head being cut off. Her head lands at Erics feet. That one was disturbing but its over.

Now we are in an all white room. The walls twist and turn and shrink. Eric holds his arms out to the wall to steady himself but the walls keep moving. He sits down in the middle of the room and the walls go back to normal. Next.

He is restrained and not able to move. He is forced to watch as the four initiates beat me. Troy holds me over the edge of the pit. Thats when he lets me go. Im sent flying towards the ground and hit the floor of the pit. My neck is turned all the way around, and my arms and legs are broken at different angles. He yells in rage but soon we are in the next fear.

Eric is strapped down to metal table. He tries to get out but he cant. A man comes in with a knife. He presses it against Erics skin and blood comes out. The man does this multiple times. Eric thrashes and yells but it makes the man do more. Eric finally stops and we are in the next fear.

He has a gun. He must shoot me. He shakes his head.

"No." he barely whispers. I smile and tell him its ok. I see something come out of Eric I never thought exisisted in Eric. A tear. He sniffs and puts a bullet in the chamber. He points the gun not at me, but at himself. He pulls the trigger and we are in the next fear.

I am tying a rope to the rail of the Chasm. Then I realize what the simulation me is doing. Im tying a noose. I look at Eric who is terrified.

"Im doing this because of you." the simulation me snarls. Eric opens his mouth to say something, but thats when she jumps. She jumps and the rope catches her, breaking her neck. I hear the snap and so does Eric. He yells one thing. My name.

Then we wake up. The landscape is over.

"The last fear is your worst." he murmurs. I hug him tightly. Im ruining him. Im three of his fears. Im breaking him.

dauntless : divergent ericWhere stories live. Discover now