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Chapter 25


Laura wakes me up shaking my shoulder.

"Its Eric. He wants us to get up." she says half asleep.

"Why? Its the middle of the night."

"Like I said, its Eric." just then Eric walks in.

"Laura, leave." he demands.

"What why?"

"Now." he snarls.

"God..." she whispers under her breath. She gets up and walks out of the dormitory, following the other initiates.

"What do you want?" I ask a little harsher than I meant.

"Im sorry was I interrupting your beauty sleep? Just because your my girlfriend doesnt mean I cant let you skip everything. Then they'll figure it out." I smile and perk my head up.

"Girlfriend?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Uh... I mean..." his face gets red. For the first time, I think hes embarassed. I get down off my bed and walk over to him.

"Its fine... boyfriend." I say smiling. I lean in to kiss him but draw back just as his lips merely brush mine. He scoffs and walks out. I smile and walk out behind him, my smiling faded. Everyone is half asleep and almost falling over.

"As you all know, one of our initiates was attacked. For no reason. So, if I hear of unecessary fighting you will be automatically cut from initiation. Got it?" he says. Some people nod, some people groan in agreement, and some are still sleeping. We soon shuffle back to bed and Im pretty sure I dont even remember why Im up so late.


Today we see our rankings on the board. Im still in third, the people who are in first and second remain the same, but people below me are shifted around. I wonder if anyone else here is Divergent. I shake the thought of Divergence or anything similar to that.

We get another day to ourselves after the revealing of the rankings. Laura comes up to me after the rankings, shes in seventh.

"You're doing so good." she says to me.

"Thanks." I say. I look back and see Eric. He smiles at me and Liky and I leave to find something to do.

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