Q & A

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Hey guys! Here's the little Q&A I promised. There's about a couple questions and I'll answer them the best that I can!

How do you think all your books personally changed or impacted you in life? (Asked by dyenahjane )

I began writing Afraid when I was in a depression and writing kind of helped. Not only that, but I got to make new friends and know that something I created has brought people joy puts a smile on my face. Even though this story has close to half a million reads, I'm still shy about my writing. But knowing that what I write bring people joy and makes them feel all these emotions really does change me by making me happy. I know some people will think of readers as their "fans", but I think of you all as my friends and you'll all see that by the way I reply to some people in the comments and talk as if we've been friends forever.

Does Shawn not love Jasmine anymore, or did he just say that to make Jasmine leave easier? (Asked by @ -metallica) What's your favorite book you've written?

As much as everyone wants to know this one, sadly, I can't answer this without spoiling a part of a plot for the upcoming sequel. But I will say this: I've already dropped two hints about it in chapters. And to answer your other question, my favorite book I've written was when I was a freshmen/sophomore in HS and I would have terrible writers block so I created this book where I can write little stories and I would write poetry, about my crush, about random people I would people watch. It was one of my favorites and I deleted it the summer going into my junior year, but I think I might do something like that again in the winter time cause that's when my writers block mainly comes around.

What does Jasmine and her friends (Paige, Charlie, etc) look like? Do you think you could post a picture of something? (Asked by @lovinmendes98 )

I don't have pictures, but I can tell you who I pictured as the group of girls - Alessia Cara as Jasmine, Carlson Young as Paige, Madison Beer as Charlie, and Normani Kordei as Diana.

What was the hardest part to come up with/write? (Asked by @repeatingaftertaste)

The ending was the hardest part to write, in my opinion. I was stuck on how to write it, even though I knew how I wanted to end it. Stringing together the words and compiling them into the right structure of paragraphs was so hard to do and in my honest opinion, I still kind of don't like the ending, but you guys love it so I kept it. To be honest, originally the ending was going to be much darker. I originally thought of the ending as a junior and thought of Jasmine and Shawn staying together and he was going to move to Chicago with her and as Jasmine was waiting at the airport for him, she's calling him and waiting, Shawn ran into one of the friends of the guy he beat up in the fight, and the friend was going after Shawn and it got heated, they got into a fight, and the guy pushed Shawn off of him, Shawn lands in the street, and gets run over and he died, but Jasmine didn't know so this whole time she's waiting for him and so she boards her flight, arrives in Chicago, checks her voicemail, and gets a call from Karen and Karen tells her he died.

But another hard part to write was the first chapter. I had the idea in my head of the story, but starting it was the hardest part. It's always hard to write the first word, first sentence, or first paragraph because as my English Professor says, "those things can either make or break you as a writer."

Will Shawn accept the child and what gender will the baby be? (asked by @ayeshasxx)


Will the sequel be completed? (asked by @fangirl_of_muffins)

Yes, but since I have this idea of it, it'll be a bit lengthier in terms of longer chapter lengths, and possibly more than one epilogue. Fun fact: I already have the ending for the whole sequel.

Jack is the only one who knows about the baby and such, will this make him and Jasmine grow closer as friends? (asked by @CaitlinGreenie99)

I actually haven't thought about this, but you could say that yeah, it will. But there's more to that that I'm afraid I can't answer because I don't want to be giving out any type of information from the sequel.

Could you write Shawn's POV on the last chapter, to get a better understanding on why he broke up and where he is in his career, and partner wise? (asked by @mendesarmy1436)

You'll find out in the second or third chapter of the sequel. You'll get more of a better understanding of it. I hope that helps!

Thank you all so incredibly much for reading Afraid and for asking these questions. The sequel is coming out at the end of the month and I just want you to know that it'll be a bit different in terms of maturity, so prepare yourself for some chapters that may seem a bit more mature in terms of things that may be talked about/discussed. Also, I have the name for the sequel already in mind and I'll give you a hint: What is the opposite of fearing someone?

Thank you so much and I hope you all enjoy these questions that were asked in!

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