Chapter Ten

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I'm not going to tell you how my first day of term was, the best part is that Jace and me sat together in all the classes, yet people was staring at us when we walked down the corridor, why? oh yeah, because we dress diferently and out hair is different, Jace didn't care, me too to be honest. 

We walked to the cafeteria, hand in hand, got lunch and sat on a table with no one else, just us, we talked about lesson and stuff. 

I was happy that it was last lesson, economics, I love it, after english and heath care, me and Jace just sat at the back of the class, the final bell rang, I was at my locker when my ex mate came "You have a wierd boyfriend, you know Jamie?" I hate her.

"How would you know Chelsea," I hate her so much.

"Because he followed me and Chloe home last week." she said trying to be scared.

"Well your plan didn't work" I had a smuge look on my face when I closed my locker.

"Why?" and she was so confused.

"Because me and jace was in New York, wasnt we babe." I asked him when he walked up behind me and put his arms around my waist. "We was in New York, last week." 

"Yeah, why?"

"Because Chelsea has just told me alot of bullshit, saying that you followed her and Chloe home last week, unless you got on a plane and followed them home and got on another plane an back to New York befor I woke up."

"You too are lying" She shouted.

"Ask my dad, like now" I should of old you, my dad is a governor at this school.

Chelsea walked up to my dad, me and Jace walked behind, "Mr. Richards, was Jamie and Jace in New York last week?"

"Yes, Chelsea they was, why?" he was so confused, aww, my confused poor old dad.

"Does that prove that Jace didn't follow you and Chloe home" I said grabbing hold of Jace' hand.

Chelsea signed and walked off, please, I hate that bitch is she comes anywere near me again this week, i'm going to punch her.


Me and Jace was in my bedroom, sitting on the floor he is helping me with my maths, im telling you, I suck at maths, he is being so nice, he not loosing his patience with me, at all. 

"I dont get it" I pushed the book away from me, he just lughed "dont laugh at me" I playfully punched him in the arm.

"Your cute when your angry, it is simple take away the answer and use that thing in front of you called a calculator." he said handing me it.

"Yeah, I know what it is, stop treating me like a 4 year old."

"Stop acting like it then"


"Bye, Jace" my dad said then walked off.

"Bye, love you" i said giving him a kiss and a hug.

"Lov you too, see you tomorrow," he gave me a kiss back and a hug.

Right say night to dad and go to bed.


"Wake up, Jamie wake up," my dad was suffiing me, to get me awake. 

"Ok, ok, im awake."

"Jace is down stairs waiting for you" he said walking into his office through the office door.


Changed and hair and makeup done, i walked down stairs, I didn't want anything to eat, I walked into the living room to see Jace sat on the sofa, I walked up to him, he stood up, he pulled me i by the waist and gave me a kiss.

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