Chapter Seventeen

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I woke up to not having Jace next to me, it's Jenna and Trenten wedding, the guys left for the hotel two days ago, then I lost thought mom walked in.

"Aww, my baby girl" she said, Jenna followed, in the dress that we picked.

"Aww, Jens, you look beautiful" she smiled. "You too" I smiled.

"Right is everyone ready," my mom said.

It weird not in my my chemical romance top and black jeans and black converses, I asked for my hair like Jenna's, my mom face looked shocked, and as well, I had the same makeup as Jenna, no black eyeliner well on the faintest on my lash line.

"Come on then" I said walking behind, picking my phone.

when we got there, my dad was waiting, he was walking Jenna down the aisle because her dad and mom didn't want to come like her sister, she cried for like 3 days.

It's time, I had to walk first I was worried, right do it, do it, walk, before I walked "pretend that they aren't there" I heard. I took her advice, I walked down the aisle, I didn't look at the faces, my family wide eyed because they haven't seen me like that since I was 11. Yeah 11.

I saw Jace, oh my God, I didn't know it was him, he had his hair out of his face and it like Trenten, sleek back to the side, he looked hot, and he was wearing a suit.

I smiled at him and he smiled at me, Jenna looked perfect and Trenten did as well.


It felt like that the wedding went on forever, we was sitting at the table with the family members looking at everyone. Speeches, I had to help Jace with his speech.

He stood up and started "When I met Trent, he was up himself, I thought I'm not going to like him but then he started getting less annoying, he been there for me, even if I have only know him for about 12 months, he been the best." he stopped, Trent stop and hugged him, my mom was crying.

"Thanks bro" he said, Jace Sat down and took my hand.


Trenten and Jenna have just hand their first dance, It was the sweetest moment, everyone was dancing. Jace stood up and took my hand, I hesitated but he won.

"Come on" he pulled me into him, his arms around my waist, I put my arms around his neck.

"You look cute in a suit and your hair like this" I said putting a misplaced her back into the place.

"You look cute, the dress suits you," he said, the Trenten came "can I have a dance with my sister"

"Yeah" he let go, Jenna took his hand "You can dance with me."

Me and Trenten was laughing so much. "You happy?" he said.

"Yeah, you?" I replied.

"Yeah, I just got married, you and Jace back on track?" he asked.

"Yeah, bit shaky, he still wakes up during the night saying I have no one because they have gone, Trent that upsets me, I tell him I'm here but he just gets, I don't know what to do?"

"Be patient, he is going to feel like that from time to time but let him know you are here for him." Then Jenna came back with Jace. "You take your boyfriend and I take my husband."


"Bye, love you all" Trent and Jenna saying getting into the car, everyone was outside, my mom was crying and dad was trying to hide them.

Jace pulled my into me, his arms around my waist, I fell back into him.


"Night mom, night dad" I said walking into the bedroom.

"Night Susan, night Jeffrey."Jace said walking behind me.

"Night you two" I heard back.

I got into a top and pants took my hair down and took my makeup off, Jace had his hair back over his face, I walked over to the bed, put my phone on charge and got under the covers, Jace rolled over and put his arms around me. I turned around and kissed him, shock, he kissed me back, "I love you, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know, I love you too" he said kissing me, I dug my head into his shoulders and fell asleep

1 week later

Trent and Jenna are coming back from their honeymoon, they went to Jamaica, me and Jace was sat on the sofa, watching a film, when the front door opened "Hi, anyone here?" I heard Trenten, "In here" I shouted from the room.

Him and Jenna walked in, a week away and they have the best tan ever, I actually wish I could get a tan.

"Where is mom and dad?" he asked.

"Out shopping, getting stuff for you two coming home," I said still looking at the telly, Jace and Jenna took a a seat and watch the film with us.

"Hello?" My mom said as she opened the door.

"Hi, mom," Trent said.

she gaming running into the front room, and hugged him nearly knocking him over, then hugged Jenna "How was the honeymoon?"

"It was fine" he replied.


I went to bed early an  I wanted to get away from mom many questions, Jace stayed up to talk with Trent.

"Hunny, you still awake?" It was Jenna.

"Yeah, come in" I said sitting up.

"I need to tell you something, you promise you won't tell Trent or anyone until I'm ready. " Taking the place next to me.

"Yeah, I promise, what's wrong?" I asked, looking confused.

"I just … just found … go in out two days… days ago that … that I'm … preg… pregnant." she stuttered out.

"No way, oh my God, I'm going to be an auntie, you have to tell him" I said so surprised and shocked.

"I'm scared, he not ready" she said nearly crying.

"Don't cry, he going to be ready, he was ready to marry you, before he met you he was a lazy pig, when he met you he started doing stuff, when he married you he loved you more and with a baby, he going to be great" I said, she was crying, I grabbed  her and hugged her.

Right then Jace walked through the door "Trent there in here" he shouted.

Trenten walked in. "What's wrong?"

"Aww, she starts  to cry because she misses me, see she crying because she missed me" I said, she got up and whispered "Thank you."

"Right then let's go to sleep."

He pulls me into him and I fell asleep.

2 weeks later

Jenna told everyone that she was pregnant, Trent was shocked at first then he got used to it.

"I'm going to be a dad," he said when he heard her say it.

Me and Jace was smiling, he wrapped his arms around waist. my mom and dad was crying "I'm going to have a grandbaby" they both said, Jenna was crying and so was Trenten, I haven't seen Trenten cry since the wedding.

Jace was biting my neck "Oi, stop it, behave" we was back on track, it was awkward at the beginning but I start to open up and so did he. I don't know what I do if he didn't come back with my mom.

So I'm still deciding to put chapters 18 or chapter 19 where Jace has the big surprise, I have to think fast 3 more chapters then the first book is complete.


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