Chapter Eleven

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Having a brother is the best, I told Jace, about a week ago, he was as shocked me, when I found out, me, Jace and Trenten was in his room, we was painting his walls, my dad was putting Trenten bed up and mom, bringing drinks and sanwiches up then watching, she is so useful.]

"Why did you pick this colour?" I said deadicating a spot that was annoying me.

"Don't know, like it a guess." he replied.

"Why does he get the bigger bedroom?" I asked turning to dad, who was geting fustrated at the instructions for the bed.

"You wanted that bedroom."

"No, I didn't, mom choose it because your office is next door."

"You got that right." he replied, Trenten was helping him.

I looked at Jace, he had blue paint on his top, and he didn't care and it was his favourite, i bet he has 3 more of the same top. "Jace, you have something on your top." I said to see how he would react.

"Oh, yeah, I knew that, I have another one, it doesnt matter." He said, looking at the tiny spot on the side of his top.


After about two hours of sorting Trenten bedroom, we was all having tea, not Jace, he went home, Trenten was talking about growing up with his dad, pretty good, better than mine, even though me and dad did everything together.


Me and Trenten was going to the mall to get stuff for his bedroom, walking through the mall, I didn't feel akward. Then he wanted to go in the shop, where the attack a happened.

"I can't go in the shop Trenten." I said stopping at the entrance 

"Why?" Should I tell him.

"I was attacked in the shop, my bag was open and he came behind me and threw me to the floor and took everything, mom was at the other end of the mall. and apperently no one saw the man." I shrugged "come on lets go in, I started to go in with Jace two weeks ago I can do it now" i walked throught the door, Trenten walked behind me.


"Come on you can help me put these in the room." Trenten shouted across the hall, I walked to his bedroom, helped him and walked into mine.


The next day

Jace came over, me and Trenten was watching tv, my mom opened the door "come in Jace, Jamie is in the living room." 

"Thanks" Jace walked throught the door, "Sit down, we are watching real housewives of New Jersey." I said when he walked and sat down next to me, 


"Jamie" oh no, that voice, Chelsea, I going to hit her.

"What you want?" I turned around.

"Think I should tell you this, Jace last night was with me, he told you he was with his family so he could spend the night with me" What no, he wouldn't, he wouldn't. "he is over there, go ask him." I was mad, I walked up to him.

"You bastard" I shouted, he turned around "what? what's up?" he acted like he did, what if he actually didn't know.

"You and Chelsea, last night," I shouted trying to hold back the tears.

I wasn't with Chelsea last night, what's that bitch say?" he tried to get my hand but I stepped back.

"She said You slept with her last night." I continued shouting.

"Did I heck, why would you think I do that, you don't trust me and to be honest how would do that SLUT, yeah you CHELSEA" I walked off crying "Jamie," he said "leave me alone Jace."

"Thanks Chelsea, you smacker, you just might have ruined my relationship with the person I loved, you have to be happy ruining someone else's relationship because you don't have one" I heard Jace shout, what have done, I believed her over my boyfriend.


I sat down, wipping the tears from my eyes, Jace walked through the door, he sat down next to me "Jamie, who do you believe?" I believe him, but I'm mad. "Don't talk to me, I need to think.


I walked through the door, dad and mom was in the room "Is Trenten home?" he is the only on I want to speak to an I have only know him a couple of days.

"Yeah, he is up stairs." she was confused, "is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything okay, just want to talk to him" I ran up the stairs, I knocked on his door.

"Come in," I walked in, then I burst out crying "What's wrong?" he walked up to me.

"This bitch called Chelsea came up to me and said that their and Jace slept together, at first I thought they did but when I heard Jace call her a slut and he loved me I believed him, but I ignored him. I'm an idiot," I was bursting out crying now.

"Tell him that then" he said.

"I don't think will want to talk to me anymore I have ruined it"

"I'll talk to him"

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