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"Are you sure you don't want a ride home?" 

"No i'm sure i'll be fine, thank you, see you tomorrow"

The walk home was less than 15 minutes. But in this city, it was strange to see a 20 year old girl walking home by herself at this time in the evening. It was slowly getting dark. The cold evening air was blowing through my tights, i must remind myself to wear thicker ones tomorrow. I wrapped my coat around myself tighter and started my journey home.

5 minutes into my walk and i suddenly regretted not taking the lift from Emily back at work. Every car horn that beeped made me jump out of my skin. I'd done this walk a hundred times, but tonight, the air felt colder and each noise sounded louder. I just want to get home. 

I could hear noises coming from the alley way ahead. I should have turned the other way and ran. But for some reason, i was intrigued. I'm not sure what pushed me to walk to the end of the alley way and peer round the wall to look. But as soon as i did. I regretted it. 

A man was being held up against the wall, a gun was to his head. This is the first time i had been this close to a gun. Knowing that a man's life could end right in front of my eyes by this piece of metal. 

"Please, please don't kill me. I'll do anything" This man was stood a few feet away from me, begging for his life. I couldn't move. I could've called the police. I could've ran home and tried to convince myself that it never happened. But i could not move.

One guy remained holding the gun to the man's head. Whilst another moved to stand square in front of his victim. I could barely see his face under his black hood. The dimly lit street lamp casting an orange glow over the dangerous scene in front of me. He looked younger than i imagined. His spiky blonde hair was slightly poking out from the top of his hood, and his face looked sinister. 

"I want my money" He growled at the terrified figure stood in front of him. I jumped slightly at the sound of his voice. If someone spoke to me like that, i think my knees would buckle and i'd sink straight to the ground. It was the type of sound to make you crawl under your bed like a kid and hide.

"I don't have your money! Lucas has it, i swear!" I had no idea who this guy was, or who Lucas was, but i would not want to be in either of their shoes right now. There was a total of 4 guys stood around this defenseless man. They were all wear black hoodies and black jeans or track suit bottoms. Their hoods was all up, covering most of their faces, so my vision was slightly blocked. However, the sight was enough to be stuck in my mind for a while. I had never been so terrified in my life.

"Kill him" As the words slowly drifted out of the blonde guys mouth, i was completely shocked. I felt a gasp come out of my mouth, instantly realising the mistake i had let myself make. All 4 of the guy's heads suddenly turned in my direction. The guy at the front, who i assumed was the "gang" leader, looked furious. I had interrupted their business, and i felt like i was about to pay for it. That's when i finally found the energy in me to run. And i did. I ran.

I couldn't hear any steps chasing after me. But i wasn't going to risk turning around to check. I have to admit, sports has never been an interest to me. I was never good at hockey, rounders, cross country. I had never ran like this before in my life. But in that moment, the adrenaline was enough to force me to run the whole way home. And, at no point did i feel the need to stop running until i was through the front doors of my apartment. In the safety of my own home.

I slammed the door closed and sunk down to the floor. I could feel the tears streaming down my face but i was too petrified to even lift my hands to wipe the tears away. Time was not something that took any room in my mind at that moment. But i guess it was about 20 minutes before i was able to push myself off the floor, check the door was securely locked and climb into bed. I couldn't think about food, or having a shower or work. There was only one thing on my mind as i tucked myself into my duvet and closed my eyes in attempt to sleep that night.

I had just come face to face with The Sidemen.

Authors note.

So, as i'm sure you guys have guessed, The Sidemen in this story are not The Sidemen as we know them. The guys are not Youtubers in this series. They are a gang.

Just decided to create a dark fanfiction. So if you are not a fan of violence or bad language, or anything of that sort, it is probably not the story for you. Hope you enjoy it.

Territorial / Simon MinterWhere stories live. Discover now